Daily Mail

Is the UK evading its commitment­s in Europe?


I’M FED up with ‘Remainiacs’ trying to undermine the UK by suggesting that 52 per cent of our population are somehow racist neo-Nazis (Mail). Their position can no longer be an economic one as, despite there being no World War III or Armageddon, we have seen exports rise, along with tourism, UK retail sales, share prices, superior banking stress tests and around 30 countries looking for trade deals after the referendum vote. The argument can now only be one of socialist ideology and their dream of a socialist United States of Europe. My vote wasn’t based on immigratio­n but on political concerns. We voted to join the EEC but it has morphed into a super-state with its own currency and laws and is planning an army. It was entirely right we had another referendum on the changing circumstan­ces of membership and where it would take us. To suggest that 17 million people are racist is offensive. One of my best friends is a black Kenyan and I have had close French friends for 30 years as well as friends in Hamburg. Controllin­g our borders simply means we will take as many people as our economy needs and we can logically support. It would be stupid to put a figure to this and the Remain scare stories around it are crass. RAY RUTTER, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. BRITAIN and the U.S. are the main culprits for the influx of millions of migrants into Europe. By invading Iraq and overthrowi­ng Gaddafi and helping to bomb Syria, they are responsibl­e for the mass migration from Africa and the Middle East. Italy, Germany, Spain and Greece took no part in those so-called ‘liberating’ wars, yet have taken the most migrants. Now, by a small majority, the British people voted for Brexit. The British Government should be ashamed of its immigratio­n statistics — and I say this as a migrant of over 60 years, who couldn’t vote in the referendum because I’m not British. GIORGIO ALBERTELLA, Blaby, Leics.

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