Daily Mail



FORMER White House volunteer Kathleen Willey gave a rambling statement of support for Donald Trump, saying he could bring about world peace.

During the four-minute press conference, she did not repeat her allegation that she was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton.

Instead, she said: ‘I think we can do anything, we can accomplish anything, I think that we can bring peace to this world and I think that Donald Trump can bring us to that.’

Mrs Willey has previously claimed Mr Clinton sexually assaulted her in the Oval Office, when she was a volunteer at the White House in 1993.

She said they had a private meeting because she had money problems and wanted a permanent paid job, but that he grabbed and kissed her, fondling her breast and forcing her hand into his crotch.

‘I just remember thinking, “What in the world is he doing?” ’ Mrs Willey said. ‘I was just startled.’

Questions have been raised about her accusation­s after she contradict­ed her own account during a series of hearings linked to attempts to impeach Mr Clinton.

Several friends claimed she had boasted about the encounter and that she had actually wanted an affair with the president.

A key witness during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Linda Tripp, said Mrs Willey had flirted with Mr Clinton at White House events, wearing a black dress she believed he liked.

Miss Lewinsky said Mr Clinton had dismissed the claims as absurd, telling her he would ‘never approach a small-breasted woman like Mrs Willey’.

Independen­t prosecutor Kenneth Starr decided there was not enough evidence to support Mrs Willey, and said there was no reason to doubt Mr Clinton’s denial of any assault. He added: ‘(Mrs) Willey and President Clinton are the only two direct witnesses to their meeting and their accounts differ substantia­lly on the crucial facts of what occurred.’

In 2015, after Hillary Clinton announced she would run for president, Mrs Willey said there would be ‘a scandal a day’ about the Clintons, and launched a website with the same name.

On the website, she claimed she had been ‘intimidate­d, threatened and terrorized’ by Mrs Clinton and her ‘secret police’.

She urged women to contact her and said Mrs Clinton was complicit in her husband’s behaviour. Mrs Willey said: ‘She enabled his behaviour. It’s as simple as that. She looks the other way.

‘She might throw a tantrum but she enabled it to happen again and again and again. And then she chooses to go after the women that he hooks up with, to ruin them again and again and again and again. And that’s how it works.’

She has pointed towards Mrs Clinton describing Miss Lewinsky as ‘a narcissist­ic loony toon’ and Gennifer Flowers – another Clinton affair – as ‘trailer trash’.

Now 69 and a spokesman for Women Against Hillary, Mrs Willey has been married three times.

In a 2007 autobiogra­phy, she claimed she believed the Clintons were involved in the death of her second husband, who committed suicide on the same day as her alleged assault by Mr Clinton.

 ??  ?? Claims: Bill Clinton and volunteer Kathleen Willey at a White House function
Claims: Bill Clinton and volunteer Kathleen Willey at a White House function

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