Daily Mail



Jerry Springer: JK Rowling, on Trump’s defence of the 2005 videotape: Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher on the final debate question, ‘Can you name one positive thing you respect in one another?’: Statement from business magnate Warren Buffett, after Donald Trump accused him of avoiding income tax: Clinton campaign director Robby Mook on Trump’s threat to jail Hillary Clinton:

‘It’s chilling that Donald Trump thinks that the presidency is like some banana republic dictatorsh­ip where you can lock up your political opponents.’

Star Trek actor George Takei:

‘If the bar gets set any lower, Trump is going to trip over it.’

Interstell­ar actress Jessica Chastain:

‘I’m very proud of @HillaryCli­nton tonight. It was a very uncomforta­ble debate. When he went low, she went high.’

Actor John Cusack:

‘Trump is low energy tonight – maybe he feels shame.’

Olivia Wilde, star of US drama House:

‘If nothing else, this s***-show should put to rest the idiotic idea that these two are in any way equally problemati­c. HE IS A FOOL.’

Actor, singer and TV producer Seth MacFarlane:

‘Trump holds the mic like an ageing crooner.’

Radio 2 DJ Jeremy Vine tweeted a clip of Hillary Clinton remarking that ‘it’s a good job (Trump) isn’t in charge of the law in this country,’ to which Mr Trump replied: ‘Because you would be in jail.’

Mr Vine said: ‘BOOM. Love #Trump or loathe him, this was devastatin­g.’

Edwina Currie wrote:

‘Trump’s come up with a new word: said he’s “not unproud”. Has never heard of “ashamed”, apparently.’ ‘Hillary Clinton belongs in the White House. Donald Trump belongs on my show.’

‘Trump says “just words, folks”. It’s his accusation and his defence. Words don’t matter. Facts don’t matter. If they don’t, we’re all lost.’

‘What a great last question. Donald can’t spell respect.’

‘I have no problem in releasing my tax informatio­n while under audit. Neither would Mr Trump – at least he would have no legal problem.’

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