Daily Mail

No one should thwart the will of the people


IN her impressive conference speech last week, Theresa May took justified aim at the out-of-touch, sneering elite who, she said, find it ‘simply bewilderin­g’ that millions of people voted for Brexit.

The referendum threw this self-serving political and economic class into a monstrous tantrum. And the last few days has shown it will stop at nothing to reverse the result.

Leading the vainglorio­us charge over the weekend were washed-up former party leaders Nick Clegg and ed Miliband. Together with former top prosecutor Sir Keir Starmer, now part of the North London cabal running Labour, they demand a ‘soft Brexit’.

What that really means, of course, is more of the same: more EU diktats, more free movement and more money to Brussels. Their snide demands for a vote in Parliament on the terms of Brexit is just a back-door attempt to overturn the will of the people.

Yesterday the Confederat­ion of British Industry – those EU fanatics who wanted to shackle us to the job-destroying euro – joined in. Its attack on ‘closed door’ Britain is simply a coded demand for continued open-door migration to keep its members’ pay bills down.

Is it any wonder that JCB boss Lord Bamford – a titan of industry – is pulling out of this discredite­d organisati­on? Then there’s the enemy within Mrs May’s own party, including bitter former ministers Anna Soubry and Nicky Morgan, and europhile former Attorney General Dominic Grieve.

With staggering gall, he claims the June 23 vote was nothing more than ‘advisory’ and ‘has no legal force at all’.

Add to this list the house of Lords, the universiti­es and the BBC – which is becoming an echo chamber for antiBrexit sentiment – and the scale of the task facing Mrs May becomes clear.

her Brexit minister, David Davis, yesterday told Parliament that the mandate for leaving the EU is ‘clear, overwhelmi­ng and unarguable’ and ‘no one should seek to find ways to thwart the settled will of the people.’ When will the Remoaners get the message?

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