Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


÷ BACK in the Seventies, I serviced the motorbike on which Jezza and Di rode to Eastern Europe. Will he make me his Shadow Transport Secretary?

PAUL KELD, Romsey, Hants. ÷ THE world’s debt has hit £120 trillion (Mail). Who do we owe it to? Mars?

KENNETH OSWALD JONES, Rock Ferry, Merseyside. ÷ I WOULD sooner see Maria Sharapova at Wimbledon than Andy Murray and his gloomy looking family.

JOHN KIRK, Melton Mowbray, Leics. ÷ BEING called ‘Taff’ insulting? Rubbish! I was Taff in the Royal Navy and wore it as a badge of honour. My son was in the Army, served in many camps and always introduced himself as Taff James.

ROY JAMES, address supplied. ÷ IT ISN’T 1,000 years since a sovereign’s wife didn’t sit next to him when he was crowned. Caroline, wife of George IV, suffered that fate.

ALAN LOWE, Northwich, Cheshire. ÷ NO POINT buying Jeremy Paxman’s memoirs just yet, even with a 60 per cent reduction. At Christmas, along with most other autobiogra­phies, it will be in my local pound shop.

JOHN HAGUE, Wakefield, W. Yorks. ÷ SO THERE are record car sales (Mail). Does this mean record debt?

TONY THOMPSON, Banbury, Oxon. ÷ HAVING an idiot stand for political office is democracy. Voting for him is lunacy.

NICK WILLIAMS, Brighton. ÷ LABOUR’s reselectio­n process and constituen­cy boundary changes will give the party a chance to put its philosophi­es into practice: any candidates should have poverty-stricken parents and children on free school meals.

PETER LAWSON-SMITH, Faringdon, Oxon.

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