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Mercury conjuncts Jupiter today. Although this isn’t a particular­ly rare event, (it happens at least once a year), the fall of Mercury’s retrograde pattern means that it’s the third time it has occurred since August. Also, this is the first time it has fallen in Libra since 2005. What does this suggest? It’s time to look at the bigger picture and expand your horizons. Plus, something that has been occupying your thoughts since August can now reach a positive resolution.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 GOOD, you’re still here. It would be just my luck, having said that the world wouldn’t end yesterday, that doomsday would arrive! I’ll focus less today on the fate of the world and more on your future. It’s just that the planets are encouragin­g you to think of the bigger picture. Someone’s presenting you with inspiring ideas that seem to offer opportunit­ies. But listen to your heart. Their grand schemes may not match yours. See how your objectives fit a grander scale and do yourself proud now. How can you stay focused and happy in this busy world? Your weekly forecast will give you the help you need. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS YESTERDAY, I Apr 21 — May 21 suggested you and trouble have a special relationsh­ip. You egg each other on. You feel a little lonely if there’s no trouble in your life — and trouble similarly pines for you! Of course, I’m exaggerati­ng. I don’t mean to wind you up. But then, I’m not a Taurus — I don’t really like to stir up trouble! Currently, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter while making a tense angle with Venus in your opposite sign. If you want to avoid trouble today, put your spoon down and get on with your day. Don’t give in to the urge to stir! Do you need help? What’s the best way to move forward and ensure your success? Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI YOUR vision of May 22 — June 22 what’s possible doesn’t have to remain purely in the realm of the imaginatio­n. The objectives you seek aren’t a folly or a mirage. They’re a real possibilit­y. They may be born of a creative mind that knows no boundaries. But that’s no reason to doubt their authentici­ty. The goals you harbour won’t, though, be reached without legwork. You’ll need to push to achieve what’s possible. But, with the right amount of enthusiasm, and the luck you’re due, you’re not far from the success you dream of. There’s no need to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your week-ahead forecast can help. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER SOME people June 23 — July 23 aspire to retire to an isolated castle. Others dream of a Himalayan cave where they might find tranquilli­ty. Peace of mind, though, is as attainable in a crowded street as it is in an empty meadow. If you’re going to pay heed to worrying thoughts, you’ll find they can easily pursue you to your remote idyll. As Mars is enticed by Neptune, remember that a current problem will not be fixed by a change of location. It needs a change of attitude. And, as Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, that’s well within reach. Your week-ahead forecast will help you see the bigger picture and keep you moving in the right direction. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO YOU’RE where you need July 24 — Aug 23 to be. You may not like it. You may be keen to explore more than just your immediate surroundin­gs. But there’s more to be learned from your current situation than you realise; mysteries to be revealed, secrets still to uncover. Engage with your situation. Redouble your efforts. Your circumstan­ce may not always be this comfortabl­e and you’re probably thinking you’re due for a change. But make sure you’ve squeezed out every drop of potential before writing off your chances today. What does your heart really desire and how can you achieve what you really want? Call your weekly forecast 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO IN SOME parts of the Aug 24 — Sep 23 world, people make all their decisions by tossing coins or throwing dice — even the politician­s. Perhaps our leaders could learn from this! No more tedious speeches about the ‘issues’… no more petty point-scoring over policies. No voting, no lobbying. Just close your eyes and trust to chance. Dare you gamble on a convenient coincidenc­e to guide you today? Why not? You don’t know the full story. You’re only guessing. With Mercury conjunct Jupiter, you may as well let your luck lead the way. For excellent advice to guide you through the twists and turns of the coming week, call your week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23 IF YOU’RE going through a metal detector today, be ready to get personal with security. Even if you empty your pockets, take off your belt and remove your shoes, you’re likely to set the machine off. Right now, it seems your tongue is made of silver. It’s so effective that you’d be able to talk your way out of any interrogat­ion! But you’re being blessed with more than the ability to talk a good game. Inspiratio­n and exploratio­n are being sent your way. You won’t have to look hard to find either. How can you stay focused and happy in this busy world? Your weekly forecast will give you the help you need. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO WATCHING you in Oct 24 — Nov 22 action, people might conclude you’re superhuman. But, if so, where’s your cape? Where is your one-piece stretch suit? And shouldn’t you be wearing your underwear on the outside? You may be capable of pretty impressive feats, but you’re not infallible, nor are you totally tireless. Today, as Mars and Neptune harmonious­ly align, you project an image of strength. But you’re not invincible. And Mercury, conjunct with Jupiter in your 12th solar house, is urging you to shed a few responsibi­lities. Do you need help? What’s the best way to move forward and ensure your success? Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S AESOP wrote: Nov 23 — Dec 21 ‘A man is known by the company he keeps.’ I’m sure he intended this to apply to women, too. Good news for the robber who’s best friends with a monk. But less appealing for the monk! I suspect your character probably falls between these two. You’re being encouraged to be the person who people are proud to be associated with. With your natural charisma in full flow, and, feeling fuelled with inspiratio­n for a cause that matters to you, you’ll be more than able to fulfil that role. There’s no need to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your week-ahead forecast can help. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN WHAT’S the Dec 22 — Jan 20 use of answers without questions? What does one do with a solution with no problem to apply it to? Life’s difficulti­es serve a wonderful purpose; they set the scene for the triumph that can only come through the success of a good idea. Perhaps you don’t feel that way about the trouble you seem to be in? With Mercury conjunct Jupiter today as Mars, in your sign, makes a visionary link to Neptune, you’ll soon be able to divine a way to get round it. And you’ll feel very differentl­y once you do. Your week-ahead forecast will help you see the bigger picture and keep you moving in the right direction. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS COMPANIES Jan 21 — Feb 19 who make laptops discourage us from disassembl­ing them. You can tell by the screws they use. Apart from being impossibly small, they’re rarely a standard variety with all manner of shapes, from stars to hexagons. Yet it’s stars of the celestial type that are affecting you now. They’re encouragin­g you not to be put off by the nuts and bolts and to continue exploring a new venture. You are in determined mode — and there’s little that can stop you once an idea has taken hold. What does your heart really desire and how can you achieve what you really want? Call your weekly forecast 0906 751 5611.

PISCES IT’S SAID that ‘it takes Feb 20 — Mar 20 all sorts to make a world’, and it’s true that people are peculiar. They say and do strange things. And I’m not talking about eccentrics. The strangest of all are those who believe themselves to be ordinary. It’s only when you observe them that their idiosyncra­sies are revealed. Are you now baffled by someone’s attitude? As Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, while Mars links with Neptune, everything will become easier to understand if you stop imagining that, somehow, it must all make sense. For excellent advice to guide you through the twists and turns of the coming week, call your week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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