Daily Mail

Sturgeon attacks ‘Brexit xenophobes’


NICOLA Sturgeon will today claim that the Government is using Brexit as a ‘ licence for xenophobia’.

The First Minister of Scotland will order her SNP MPs at Westminste­r to vote down legislatio­n that would repeal EU laws.

She will tell activists gathered in Glasgow for the SNP’s biggest autumn conference that she will gang up with other parties to stop a ‘hard Brexit’ which would see the UK leave the single market.

She is expected to say: ‘Last week, we heard an intoleranc­e towards those from other countries that has no place in a modern, multicultu­ral, civilised society. It was a disgrace. It shames the Tory Party and all who speak for it.

‘But make no mistake – the right wing of the Tory Party is now in the ascendancy and it is seeking to hijack the referendum result. Brexit has become Tory Brexit. They are using it as licence for the xenophobia that has long lain under the surface – but which is now in full view.’

On the proposed Great Repeal Bill to end the authority of EU laws in the UK, she will add: ‘Scotland didn’t vote for that and so neither will our MPs. But we will also work to persuade others – Labour, Liberals and moderate Tories – to join us in a coalition against a hard Brexit: not just for Scotland, but for the whole UK.’

Her remarks will appal most of the 17 million Britons who voted to quit the EU to regain control of their constituti­on and borders.

Voters will also be furious at any attempt to subvert the democratic will of the people by using parliament­ary dirty tricks to hold up Brexit.

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