Daily Mail

Vote Trump or risk a nuclear war, Putin’s ally warns US

- From Tom Leonard in New York

AMERICANS should vote for Donald Trump as president next month or risk being dragged into an apocalypti­c nuclear war, a close ally of Russian leader Vladimir Putin has threatened.

Vladimir Zhirinovsk­y, a flamboyant lawmaker known for his fiery rhetoric, said the Republican candidate was the only person able to calm the growing tension between Moscow and Washington.

By contrast, Zhirinovsk­y said if Democratic rival Hillary Clinton becomes president it could spark World War Three.

Many Russians regard Zhirinovsk­y as a clownish figure who makes outspoken statements to grab attention – but he is also viewed as a faithful servant of the Kremlin who is sometimes used to float radical opinions to test public reaction.

‘Relations between Russia and the United States can’t get any worse. The only way they can get worse is if a war starts,’ said Zhirinovsk­y. ‘Americans voting for a president must realise they are voting for peace on planet Earth if they vote for Trump. But if they vote for Hillary, it’s war. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere.

‘Victory for Trump would be a gift to humanity. But if Hillary Clinton wins she will be the last US president ever.’

Clinton has previously accused Trump of being too cosy with Putin and questioned his business interests in Russia. But in

‘If they vote for Hillary, it’s war’

comments that delighted Moscow, Trump has questioned the value of Nato, spoken about Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea in 2014 and suggested that the United States under his leadership would adopt a more isolationi­st foreign policy.

‘He [Trump] won’t care about Syria, Libya and Iraq, and why on earth should America interfere in these countries? Trump will have a brilliant chance to make relations more peaceful. He’s the only one who can do this,’ said Zhirinovsk­y, adding that Trump could even win a Nobel peace prize.

However, Zhirinovsk­y described Clinton as ‘an evil mother-in-law’ and said her record as secretary of state showed she was unfit to lead her country.

‘She craves power. Her view is that Hillary is the most important person on the planet, that America is an exceptiona­l country,’ said Zhirinovsk­y. ‘That’s dangerous. She could start a nuclear war.’

In typically chauvinist­ic remarks, Zhirinovsk­y said Clinton’s gender should also bar her from the presidency. ‘Americans should choose Trump because men have been leading for millions of years. You can’t take the risk of having one of the most powerful countries led by a woman,’ he said.

Donald Trump’s civil war with the Republican Party escalated as insiders claimed his financial backers are starting to ask for their money back. He has been plunging in the polls since an 11-year-old video revealed him boasting about groping women.

Two major campaign donors are said to have ‘buyer’s remorse’, according to emails revealed by NBC.

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