Daily Mail

French plot to pinch City bank jobs

Paris begins offensive to woo financial giants

- by James Burton

FRENCH officials will seek to hurt Britain’s financial industry after Brexit, a top City figure has warned.

Anthony Browne, chief executive of the British Bankers’ Associatio­n, said sources had told him of a plot to prevent the UK securing access under a so-called equivalenc­e regime. This is where banks can get access to EU markets provided UK rules are as strong as those overseas.

The warning from Browne came as the French ambassador to the UK mounted a charm offensive and evidence grew of a concerted lobbying effort by Paris to steal the City’s crown.

Banks are braced for the loss of the prized passportin­g regime that allows them to offer their products in any foreign country within the single market.

But European Union rules grant some access if outsider countries can show that their rules are as stringent as the bloc’s own.

Some experts argue that since Britain has been governed by EU law for decades, this equivalenc­e is beyond doubt and could be relied upon once the nation has quit. But Browne warned that although the French accepted this would hold true to begin with, they would immediatel­y look for ways to break ties.

‘The alternativ­es, such as equivalenc­e, are shadows of genuine passportin­g,’ he said at the BBA’s annual conference yesterday.

‘Other countries are actively lobbying banks to move jobs and businesses away from the UK.

‘I recently heard that the French Treasury told a group of banks it was trying to persuade to move to Paris that although the UK might have to be granted equivalenc­e initially, the question is how quickly they could force the UK to lose equivalenc­e.’

The French authoritie­s have made no secret of their plans to steal business from London, with President Francois Hollande saying it was time for them to ‘come to France’.

The socialist introduced a punitive tax regime, which led to a stampede for the exits soon after his election and he has previously been known for his hostility to high finance.

And many City insiders are now wary of his intentions, describing the demands to strip London of access as unhelpful and hectoring. Several speakers at the confer- ence argued that EU cities would never be able to match the depths of London’s markets.

And economist Gerard Lyons, a Brexit-backing former adviser to Boris Johnson, warned New York would be the biggest winner if negotiatio­ns turned fractious.

Despite these concerns, a major lobbying effort is underway to woo the City’s bankers.

French ambassador Sylvie Bergman used the conference to offer lenders a new home.

‘This is fair competitio­n – that’s what we learnt from the British,’ she said.

‘Paris is the biggest financial market in Continenta­l Europe. We have a sound banking system and regulatory organisati­on and a deep pool of talent. If you’re tired of the smog, try France.’

Trade minister Mark Garnier told BBA guests that a French delegation had been in Japan at the same time as he visited the country.

They were trying to persuade Japanese financiers to move to Paris, he said.

Garnier stressed the Government’s commitment to financial services and said Brexit offered upsides as well as risks.

‘ There’s opportunit­ies from Brexit to address some regulatory issues, which can make the UK an even more attractive place to do business,’ he said

‘I’m incredibly optimistic about the future.’

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