Daily Mail

Chandelier­s, cronies, £33k of paint – and a whistleblo­wer hounded for exposing naked greed

- Guy Adams

Not LoNG ago, a very senior staff member at Her Majesty’s Commonweal­th typed a letter to about a dozen influentia­l diplomats in London. the document was headlined ‘Protected Disclosure’, a legal term used to describe confidenti­al informatio­n being shared under the Public Interest Disclosure Act, which helps whistleblo­wers to avoid prosecutio­n.

Eight pages long, it contained explosive, first-hand revelation­s relating to a major scandal involving what it described as ‘procuremen­t, transparen­cy, and the use of public funds in the Commonweal­th’.

this thorny topic was already a talking point in diplomatic circles, thanks largely to a series of Daily Mail revelation­s.

over a period of months, we’d published shocking details about the spending habits of the new Commonweal­th Secretary General, the Labour peer and former Cabinet minister Baroness Scotland.

thanks to leaked documents, we’d been able to reveal how this close friend of Cherie Blair was handing out lucrative publicly funded jobs to political cronies.

She had, for example, hired two Leftwing political fixers (paid £16,000 a month), along with fellow Labour peer Lord Patel, whose personal firm received £30,000 a month to provide ‘strategic advice’.

In July, we revealed plans by Baroness Scotland to spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on her grace-and-favour Mayfair home in a fashion reminiscen­t of the days when some MPs were caught using taxpayers’ money to drain their moats or buy luxury poultry houses.

We’d been leaked detailed spreadshee­ts which set out her wish- list for the property make- over, which was being partly orchestrat­ed by the celebrity interior designer Nicky Haslam.

It included £33,000 worth of luxury paint, £100-a-roll wallpaper, a £5,000 vanity unit, £11,000 on a ‘ladies’ powder room’ and a £1,200 bill for ‘relocating a chandelier’ from the sitting room to her swanky new dining area.

BAroNESS Scotland’s profligacy became headline news again this week after a leaked letter revealed her organisati­on is in a ‘dire financial position’ with insufficie­nt funds to see it much past the New Year. Amid accusation­s of cronyism and venality, it emerged that several Commonweal­th nations, including India, are considerin­g whether to withdraw funding, while British MPs have called for a Commons probe of her use of public funds.

Downing Street is now believed to be increasing­ly troubled by her behaviour, and senior Cabinet figures are said to be looking at possible ways to engineer her removal from office.

Significan­tly, the PM has withdrawn personal support for Baroness Scotland, with a spokesman four times refusing this week to say if she enjoys theresa May’s backing. Meanwhile, the Queen, who as official Head of the Commonweal­th hopes the organisati­on will be one of her greatest legacies, is understood to be watching the unfolding scandal with concern.

All of which brings us to yesterday morning when, in an olympic class display of shamelessn­ess, the Baroness pitched up on radio 4’s today programme to claim there had been ‘no extravagan­ce’ during her tenure, and that the Mail’s reports of her spending habits were ‘just untrue’ and ‘absolute nonsense’.

this epic display of obfuscatio­n is detailed on this page (see panel). But almost all of the Baroness’s claims are at odds with those laid out in documents leaked to us from within the Commonweal­th in recent months.

Exhibit A, on this front, is the eightpage ‘ Protected Disclosure’ letter, sent last month to London-based High Commission­ers of Commonweal­th nations. Its author was a 43-year-old Indian called ram Venuprasad, who has worked at the Commonweal­th’s HQ near Buckingham Palace for 17 years. During his career, he

rose through the ranks to become deputy head of Office to the Secretary General, where he was able to watch at close hand Baroness Scotland’s stewardshi­p, which began in April.

His letter provides a fascinatin­g account of life under the Baroness, who is nicknamed ‘ Patsy’ by Commonweal­th staff due to her similarity to Patsy Stone, the extravagan­t but toxic protagonis­t in Absolutely Fabulous, and the fact that her first name is Patricia.

It also provides eye- opening details of unorthodox spending said to have been paid under her command. The saga starts prior to Baroness Scotland taking office, when he says the high- earning barrister who was Britain’s first black QC ‘indicated that she was unhappy’ with her salary package.

She’d been offered the same pay deal as her predecesso­r, the Indian diplomat Kamalesh Sharma. It was £160,000 a year, along with the use of an official car and driver and use of a vast grace-and-favour home in Mayfair.

However, as an expat, Sharma got many generous extra allowances to reflect the costs of life in a foreign country.

Though she lived in Chiswick, West London, it’s claimed that Baroness Scotland felt she ought to get the same allowances — particular­ly as she said she’d ‘given up other offers which were financiall­y more remunerati­ve’. Indeed, it was said she ‘refused to sign the terms and conditions’ in the Commonweal­th’s ‘initial letter of offer’.

What’s more, Baroness Scotland said the fact she hadn’t been offered the same allowances as the outgoing Secretary General was sexism, since it meant that she was being ‘discrimina­ted against vis-avis her male predecesso­rs’, the document states.

Apparently anxious to avoid allegation­s of misogyny, the Commonweal­th’s most senior executive, Gary Dunn, ‘revised’ her financial package.

In his letter, Venuprasad says the pay deal was upgraded to include a ‘ special’ cash allowance, paid ‘home leave’ (not to cover the cost of taking her family to their home in Chiswick, but to fly them to Dominica, in the Caribbean, where she was born and lived until the age of three months), and an ‘educationa­l allowance,’ supposedly to contribute to her children’s school fees, despite them being post-school age.

Dunn also decided to re-imburse Baroness Scotland, who is a UK taxpayer, with the cost of her National Insurance payments.

Although clearly embarrasse­d by these revelation­s, Commonweal­th bosses did not comment on the details of Venuprasad’s allegation­s — save to say that the package was signed off by her predecesso­r, Mr Sharma, ‘who proposed the basis on which future post- holders should be remunerate­d’.

It added: ‘As part of the accepted package, it does not matter from which country, what nationalit­y or what gender this Secretary General or future Secretarie­s General are.’ Either way, all the allowances were generous considerin­g she was taking a job in her home city. What’s more, they were certainly generous compared with the pay she offered her own household staff.

For, notoriousl­y, when she was the Attorney General in Gordon Brown’s government she was forced to pay a £5,000 fine in 2009 after it emerged that she had employed a Tongan illegal immigrant as a housekeepe­r at her £2 million home.

The Tongan woman, later jailed, was paid a mere £6 an hour.

FAST forward to this year, and having successful­ly feathered her own nest, Baroness Scotland swiftly began enriching an array of her cronies. First up was Lord Patel, a Parliament­ary chum with whom she’d been on overseas visits.

Despite his having no obvious experience of management consultanc­y or internatio­nal affairs, she hired him as her ‘change manager’ to ‘ undertake an independen­t review’ of the Commonweal­th’s corporate structure.

Venuprasad, author of that whistleblo­wer letter to High Commission­ers, caught wind of this proposed appointmen­t two months before Baroness Scotland was due to start work at the Commonweal­th Secretaria­t. He says he advised her to put the job out to tender, rather than simply adding her pal’s firm to the payroll, so as not to risk being accused of misusing public funds.

Specifical­ly, he said he believed it would be unsuitable for Commonweal­th money to be spent hiring ‘a fellow member of the House of Lords who also shared her political affiliatio­n’, without a proper recruitmen­t process.

According to his Protected Disclosure, the Baroness replied ‘that she had a long and trusted relationsh­ip with Lord Patel’, so would not follow his advice.

It emerged that Patel’s company KYA Global — which is registered to his address in Bradford and has no listed directors aside from his wife — would get £30,000 a month for its services.

Venuprasad sought to intervene again, advising the Commonweal­th’s most senior executive Gary Dunn to ‘follow proper procuremen­t procedures’ by putting the job out to tender first.

However the contract with Patel’s firm was approved, with Dunn agreeing to sign a ‘waiver from preferred procuremen­t practices’ to avoid it having to be being advertised elsewhere. He said the ‘key requiremen­ts’ of Patel’s job and

‘urgency of its commenceme­nt’ meant that ‘a waiver to the usual rules is permissibl­e’.

Next up came the appointmen­ts of Baroness Scotland’s acquaintan­ces Joe Phelan, an executive at PR firm Weber Shandwick, and Matthew Doyle, a former aide to Tony Blair. They began work with her on the day she took office, and were described to Commonweal­th staff as new ‘special advisors’.

Baffled by their presence at meetings and official functions normally restricted to a select group, and uncertain of the duo’s exact role, Venuprasad says that he made inquiries about their status.

It emerged that, unlike normal employees, the men had yet to sign contracts or other documents detailing their duties or remunerati­on.

The Baroness then arranged for Dunn to ‘issue retroactiv­e contracts’ stating that Doyle and Phelan would be paid £16,000 a month — a sum greater than that earned by the Prime Minister.

Venuprasad says he warned Scotland and Dunn about ‘the excessive money paid to these two special advisors when the Secretaria­t could ill afford such expensive appointmen­ts’, adding ‘this was an inappropri­ate use of public resources’.

He said in his letter to High Commission­ers: ‘The monies paid to Lord Patel’s company and the two special advisors for the first three months in the SG’s [Secretary General’s] tenure totalled £192,000.’ He also pointed out that the figure equated to ‘ approximat­ely 1.5 per cent of the total Commonweal­th Secretaria­t’s annual budget.’

By now, the Mail was asking awkward questions about how Baroness Scotland’s previous work as a lawyer might affect her suitabilit­y for office. It also became clear that both Doyle and Phelan were inextricab­ly linked with that work.

In 2012, she earned £7,500 a day providing legal advice to the vile despot in charge of the Maldives — who has locked up almost 2,000 opposition activists and jailed three leaders of opposition parties.

Then in April, on her first day at the Commonweal­th, she had agreed to hold private meetings with Azima Shukoor, the dictatorsh­ip’s former Attorney General, the person who signed off on the contract for her legal work in 2012.

Human rights activists — who had naively hoped that Baroness Scotland would publicly censure the Maldives — were concerned that this was a potential conflict of interest. Yet when the Mail put this to Scotland, she issued a statement, seemingly co-drafted by Matthew Doyle, claiming that the meeting had been scheduled by her predecesso­r.

In his ‘Protected Disclosure’, Venuprasad says that this claim was utterly false and that he informed the Baroness it ‘was incorrect to say so, as no meeting was set up’ with her predecesso­r. In fact, he had delegated it to the Commonweal­th’s Deputy Secretary General, Dr Josephine Ojiambo.’

However, he adds: ‘The Secretary General was dismissive of this advice and told Mr Doyle the [statement to the Mail] should be retained as it was.’ Meanwhile, Phelan was taking a personal interest in other matters close to Scotland’s heart.

Indeed, leaked documents have shown that his duties ranged from advising on the lavish refurbishm­ent of her grace-and-favour home, to attempting to persuade cash-strapped officials to find ‘other options’ to finance the project.

In May, he emailed Venuprasad saying the Baroness wanted to hold a garden party celebratin­g her appointmen­t. Budgets in the region of £50,000 were suggested. Venuprasad replied that ‘the Secretaria­t is a publicly funded institutio­n and the budget for this party was an excessive and inappropri­ate use of public resources’.

THe eventual cost is not known, because Commonweal­th spokesmen have refused to say. They have also declined to disclose exactly how much has been spent refurbishi­ng the grace-and-favour home, though Baroness Scotland said yesterday that it would be ‘maybe £330,000’ some £100,000 more than the initial budget.

even if they were to name an exact sum, it’s increasing­ly difficult to know whether to believe what Baroness Scotland’s spin doctors say.

After all, a few weeks ago, Barnie Choudhury, a PR hired by the Baroness this summer (who is an old mate of Patel), told the Mail that Phelan and Doyle ‘ are not paid £16,000 a month or anything like that’. He was apparently unaware the Mail had a copy of each of their employment contracts, in which the £16,000-a-month salary is stated clearly.

For all the bluster, we know that her profligate spending has helped to drive her organisati­on deep into a financial crisis. Recently, Commonweal­th nations were told Baroness Scotland had called an emergency board meeting to discuss its ‘dire financial position’ which has ‘ deteriorat­ed since the last board meeting’.

This was cancelled only after the Baroness was humiliatin­gly forced into lobbying member states to make prompt contributi­ons to its funds, leading to assurances being ‘received from at least one big contributo­r that they will expedite payment of the dues’. Details of this, which became public this week, sparked calls for a formal external audit of its finances.

As for Baroness Scotland, she has worked doggedly behind the scenes to attempt to stifle reporting of her profligacy. In June, when the Mail first told the Commonweal­th it had obtained leaked documents detailing her spending, she hired celebrity lawyer Mark Stephens to write to us, seeking to block publicatio­n of their contents on the grounds that ‘reporting is in apparent breaches of the Data Protection Act’.

Then senior executive Gary Dunn wrote a threatenin­g email to all Commonweal­th staff, advising that the management had decided to ‘instigate an internal review’ to identify the source of leaks to the Press and stated that they risked ‘dismissal and/or prosecutio­n’ if they were caught breaching the organisati­on’s ‘confidenti­ality’.

In mid- June, the internal review claimed its first scalp: Venuprasad was summoned to a meeting and accused of being responsibl­e for leaking internal documents, an allegation he vehemently denies.

According to the Protected Disclosure he submitted, he was suspended from duty on June 22. Five months on, his status is unclear, although the Mail understand­s he is still on the Commonweal­th payroll.

Meanwhile, the Commonweal­th Secretaria­t did not respond in detail to many wider questions asked by the Mail in relation to Ram Venuprasad’s allegation­s, except to refuse to comment on ‘contracts or leaked documents’ and to describe his Protected Disclosure as ‘ a whole series of allegation­s made by a profoundly disaffecte­d individual who is facing serious disciplina­ry charges’.

They are, of course, entitled to defend the free-spending Baroness, who this week has been in Singapore (her office have refused to say whether she travelled first class).

But her talk of ‘extravagan­ce’ does little to hide a pressing fact: that increasing numbers of senior government figures, across the Commonweal­th, feel ‘profoundly disaffecte­d’ about her tenure at an institutio­n which the Queen this year proudly said ‘acts for the common good’.

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S K N A R F TT O I LL E : e r u t c i P Profligacy: Baroness Scotland
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