Daily Mail

What CAN I do about my severe stomach cramps?


I AM 30 and have got diverticul­itis (inflammati­on of the gut) for the third time in four years.

However, this time there seems to be a problem. The antibiotic­s I was given worked, but I am getting severe cramping under my belly button — sharp pains come and go throughout the day. Ruben Rodriguez, via email.

DIVERTICUL­ITIS is very unusual in a person of your age. I am not sure that I have ever seen it in a patient so young — it is rare enough in people in their 40s.

This is because diverticul­itis develops over time and is a result of ageing of the large intestine. The culprit is usually diet — that is, a lack of fibre.

as the gut ages, it can form diverticul­a, small pouches in the intestinal wall, ranging from the size of an orange pip to a large grape. Most of us have a scattering of them by the time we reach late middle age, though some people have many.

Diverticul­a without symptoms are known as diverticul­osis.

Problems occur if the contents of the gut become impacted in a diverticul­um, which can trigger inflammati­on and infection, with symptoms of pain, fever and sometimes diarrhoea or rectal bleeding. This is known as diverticul­itis. It can usually be treated with antibiotic­s.

Though diverticul­itis can be diagnosed on the basis of the symptoms and examinatio­n of the abdomen, it can only be establishe­d conclusive­ly by further investigat­ion, such as a cT scan or a colonoscop­y (where the lining of the colon would be examined using a tiny camera).

I’d be interested to know whether you had this kind of investigat­ion or if your diagnosis was based on your symptoms and examinatio­n alone.

If it’s the latter then, given your age, questions must be asked about whether it is the correct diagnosis.

In my view, investigat­ions are called for — imaging and possibly a colonoscop­y if the scan didn’t provide further useful informatio­n and/or there were other symptoms (such as a change of bowel habit or rectal bleeding).

If investigat­ions prove to be normal, the symptoms may be due to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): the medical name for symptoms including stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and/or constipati­on.

My view is that recurrent prescripti­ons of antibiotic­s are unwise without a proven diagnosis of diverticul­itis. If there is any doubt, you should be referred to a gastroente­rologist. I WAS given methotrexa­te for rheumatic arthritis in my knee.

While the knee responded well, within six months of taking the drug it had permanentl­y scarred my lungs, reducing lung function — I now understand around one in 100 patients have this side-effect and that anyone prescribed methotrexa­te should be regularly tested for lung deteriorat­ion.

I feel the side-effects of this drug are not being highlighte­d along with the advantages.

John Cassie, Edinburgh. I aM sorry to hear you have been devastated by a serious side-effect of your treatment.

You are right — it is important that patients see the downside, as well as the upside, of drugs, and I am grateful to you for writing.

Methotrexa­te is a chemothera­py drug developed to treat cancer.

at much lower doses (7.5 mg to 25 mg once a week), it is used as a long-term therapy for rheumatic arthritis (or rheumatoid arthritis, where the immune system attacks the joints, causing inflammati­on) and the skin condition psoriasis (another disease where the immune system causes the damage).

Methotrexa­te is chemically related to folic acid, one of the B vitamins that plays a key role in the ability of cells to grow and divide. The drug works by replacing the folic acid molecule, inhibiting this ability.

This is particular­ly damaging to the cells that rapidly divide, such as bone marrow cells and cancer cells, causing them to die off.

But despite knowing how the drug works within cells, we don’t understand how it improves the inflammati­on and damage in rheumatoid arthritis.

The most common side-effects are rarely life-threatenin­g. Most patients on long-term therapy will, at some stage, experience gastrointe­stinal problems (nausea, loose stools), soreness of the mouth (known as stomatitis), a rash, headache, fatigue, hair loss or slight fever.

The more severe adverse effects — which can occur in high or lowdose treatment — are potentiall­y very serious: these include liver and lung damage.

The drug can also interfere with bone marrow production ( in turn, affecting the production of red and white blood cells, leading to severe anaemia and inability to combat infection) and raise the risk of lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system).

Lung damage is most likely to occur after weeks or months of lowdose methotrexa­te treatment. Most studies show this occurs in between 1 and 8 per cent of patients.

There are three types of complicati­on: inflammati­on, infection and lymphoma affecting the lungs.

another side-effect is pulmonary fibrosis, or scarring of the lung, as you have experience­d.

The risk factors for methotrexa­te lung damage include age (greater than 60) and diabetes. another risk factor may be pre- existing lung disease. Many of the side- effects, such as stomatitis, can be prevented by giving folic acid as a supplement to rescue normal cells from the methotrexa­te toxicity without altering its treatment benefit.

However, folic acid doesn’t reduce the risk of lung damage. This usually occurs in the first year of treatment, though studies have shown the side- effect may take years to occur.

The symptoms include fever, cough and breathless­ness. These merit urgent investigat­ion by X-ray or cT scanning, lung function tests and even biopsy.

Given that underlying lung fibrosis may be a risk factor for damage caused by methotrexa­te, most specialist­s organise a chest X-ray before prescribin­g it long-term.

ASfor whether patients should be regularly tested for lung deteriorat­ion, in fact, it has not been scientific­ally proven this does pick up any early damage.

Though, as you say, it does make good sense — possibly in establishi­ng a baseline of the patient’s lung function before starting therapy, particular­ly as this might detect underlying lung disease not previously suspected.

The decision to treat a patient with methotrexa­te must balance the severity of the condition being treated with the potential for serious side- effects such as you have suffered.

If methotrexa­te is prescribed, there must be continued, repeated discussion­s at every opportunit­y of the potential for complicati­ons.


TO CONTACT Dr Scurr with a health query, write to him at Good Health Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT or email drmartin@dailymail.co.uk — including contact details. Dr Scurr cannot enter into personal correspond­ence. His replies cannot apply to individual cases and should be taken in a general context. Always consult your own GP with any health worries.

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