Daily Mail



Today’S New Moon carries a Neptunian influence, while Venus makes its last dynamic square with Uranus before they renew their yearly dance. It suggests that now is a good time to question our values. the cosmos is encouragin­g us to make courageous changes and follow our hearts. the New Moon, in Sagittariu­s, adds its voice to that calling. It brings an opportunit­y to start afresh and begin working on something exciting and new. What’s out of reach now? Look again and you might find that it’s moving closer.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

WE ALL like to finish what we start. We get a sense of great accomplish­ment from hitting our targets and reaching our goals. But this doesn’t excuse us from the need to keep checking that we’re still aiming for the right thing. Are you pursuing a plan that once made sense, but is no longer so relevant? With a New Moon and Venus linking to Uranus in your sign, the objective is to get the result you need — not just the outcome you might have craved, once upon a time, under different circumstan­ces. The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

NOW, I don’t mean to curb your enthusiasm, but I’d like you to consider the wider context of all that is unfolding. A new direction lies before you, a new opportunit­y to advance where previously you felt stuck. As you look to unwrap this gift from the universe, try not to tear the paper in your excitement. Some of the ties and agreements you’ve found so limiting aren’t worth abandoning entirely. Try to untangle yourself gently and with ease. Then you won’t break any bonds which you might want to rely upon again. The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

THEY say ‘you can’t judge a book by its cover’. I know that many of us can’t resist the urge to assess what’s in store from how things appear to be now. It would, though, be unfair for you to do this. Your present situation has aspects that are annoying, edgy and incomplete. It can be exasperati­ng when no matter how hard you try to put something right, you discover more about what’s wrong. But with a New Moon in your opposite sign, this cloud is passing. There are clear skies ahead. The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

HOW do you really feel about a certain someone? I’m not going to provide a magical technique to cure the ills of a troubled heart, but could there be a healthier way to approach this relationsh­ip? Would you consider changing treatments, applying different ointments or trying complement­ary therapies? I’m not a love doctor, but I know you need to take

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

A LITTLE caution is always advisable. Great mistakes are made when people are so confident that they fail to stop and think. But then again, if they stop and think for too long, they may never achieve anything. Doubts can devastate us. Fears can rob us of the success to which we are entitled. With the power of the New Moon, feel free to question yourself today. But if you can’t come up with a good reason to hold back, then put your uncertaint­ies to one side and give your all to the great challenge ahead.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

care of yourself. That doesn’t mean neglecting others, but it means finding a new path that leads to a greater return on the kindness you dispense. The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5604.

The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5605. THE CALL for change could be bellowing so loudly that you’re quaking in your boots. Or it could be so quiet it makes your nerves jangle. Never fear, though — you simply won’t be able to ignore it. Its rhythm is coursing through your veins, calling you to make a bold move forward, into the life you know you should be leading. Being so dramatic and categorica­lly clear might not usually be your nature. But enough of not getting the credit or recognitio­n you are due — this has been a long time coming. The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

THERE are many

things you can be proud of. You’ve made great decisions in the past. You’ve reached wise conclusion­s and acted on them efficientl­y. You’re not so sure, though, that when looking back on events you’ll feel so inclined to congratula­te yourself. Is this because you’ve made an error — or is it because someone’s asking difficult questions? The New Moon will empower you to convince others of the value of recent choices. The only wrong decision is to doubt your decisions!

The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

AS AN example of the use of tactics, you can’t do better than a game of tennis. Even when the ball seems to fly back and forth easily, the observer may not be aware of the spin applied to each shot, and the counter-spin used to direct it back. Then there are the adjustment­s of pace to wrong-foot an opponent. And the variations in shot patterns to catch the opponent off-guard. Where in your routine can you make subtle changes? Explore this now and you could well just find yourself ahead in life’s game. The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21 MANY

highways are featureles­s. As you drive down them, you see so little of the countrysid­e that you would be lost were it not for the road signs. If you want to know how far you are from your destinatio­n, you just have to trust the written informatio­n you can see. Sometimes, signs are in the wrong places. You’ve been assessing your progress on the basis of a theory. Now, with a New Moon in your sign, your journey takes you to a place where you can see real results. The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

MY TODDLER was prancing about in nothing but his toy space helmet. As I chased him with his pyjamas, he pointed at the NASA logo on it, and declared: ‘That says IKEA.’ Now, though I’m a fan of the Swedish furniture manufactur­er, I’m not sure they do self-assembly breathing apparatus for surviving deep space! Where are you putting all your faith in one institutio­n? Where could you be risking your security if you doubt your own judgment? Trust yourself. You can make the right decisions now. The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

YOU’VE been dedicating energy to a difficult task. You’re feeling drained and doubtful, even disillusio­ned. Has it been a great mistake? Would you have been wiser not to bother? Such thoughts may seem justified, but you’ll soon see how little relevance they have. With the New Moon, and Venus linking to your ruler Uranus, you’re about to turn a corner. Indeed, it’s probably why you’re finding it hard to see your path ahead. Once you’ve rounded the next bend, all will be clear. The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

DO YOU ever feel you’re being underestim­ated and that no one realises what you’re capable of? People can confuse someone who dares to dream with being a daydreamer. But you’re head isn’t in the clouds. It just appears that way to those who have an earthbound view of you. From your perspectiv­e, you’ve risen above the haze and can see further than all those people stuck to the ground. Now, though, if you manifest part of your vision into something tangible, you can radically alter people’s perception­s. The power of tonight’s New Moon can change your life. Don’t miss your spookily accurate latest Moonsign forecast: Call 0906 751 5612.

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