Daily Mail

New Zealand? That’s not a real country!

- Mail Foreign Service

THEY don’t enjoy it, but most New Zea- landers will admit they have been mistaken for an Australian.

One Kiwi traveller, however, was stunned when border guards refused to believe that New Zealand was a real country.

Chloe Phillips-Harris, 28, was detained in Kazakhstan for two days because immigratio­n officers insisted that New Zealand was a state of Australia.

When her flight touched down in Almaty, the start of an adventure exploring the mountainou­s country and working on farms quickly turned into a nightmare.

‘I got to an immigratio­n booth and they told me I couldn’t come in without an Australian passport,’ Miss Phillips-Harris said. ‘They said New Zealand was clearly a part of Australia.’ She was barred from entering the country and ushered on to a plane flying to China.

But by making some telephone calls to well-placed contacts she managed to get off that flight, only to be whisked away into a tiny interrogat­ion room. It had an old map on the wall, but it didn’t have New Zealand on it – making it even tougher for her to argue her case.

She was locked in the guarded room for the next day and a half. It had one small bed and she was given no food or water apart from a sip of a soft drink given to her by a friendly guard.

Luckily for Miss Phillips-Harris, her contacts in Kazakhstan provided her with a new visa and, thanks to her dual nationalit­y, an American passport.

After parting with some cash she was free to leave.

New Zealand was originally part of the British colony of New South Wales but became a separate part of the empire in 1841. Kazakhstan, meanwhile, was the last of the Soviet republics to declare independen­ce, and has existed as a nation state only since 1991.

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