Daily Mail

Wacky Races with dynamite ... even Clarkson hasn’t tried that


Three shows in, and Jeremy Clarkson’s The Grand Tour is everything its paymasters Amazon could have prayed for. The porky petrolhead and his pals richard hammond and James May are reinvigora­ted — loving every minute and playing up to their reputation as delinquent schoolboys for all they are worth.

At its best, their old show Top Gear was fuelled by their gleeful squabbles. But as Clarkson got bored and the other two became frustrated, the chemistry started to give off a bad smell.

No trace of that remains. In their new, online- only incarnatio­n, the old anarchism is back — especially behind the wheel. All three are driving like they want to wreck every car they can lay their hands on.

Why not? With a budget of £160million for 36 shows, they can afford it — so they have been shooting, crashing, crushing, catapultin­g and drowning anything on four wheels.

One thing they haven’t tried yet is lobbing sticks of dynamite at each other. Australian period crime drama The Doctor Blake Mysteries (BBC1) beat them to it, opening with a dirt-track race and some explosive tactics.

For the first few minutes it was as daft and lively as the Wacky races: not only were Dick Dastardly and Muttley chucking lighted nitroglyce­rin at their opponents, but their fastest rival was a glamour girl racer, a sort of Aussie Penelope Pitstop.

Then it took a graphicall­y murderous twist. The BBC persists in APPETITE OF THE NIGHT: Greedy bulldog Big Ron was wolfing his food, and everyone else’s, like a hungry hippo, in The Secret Life Of Puppies (C5). He didn’t eat his dinner, he inhaled it. But he was always eager to learn new tricks in return for treats. Good boy, Ron! screening Doctor Blake in the early afternoon, despite scenes that could turn an undertaker’s stomach.

This time, a mechanic was dragged underneath a car till his skin was half flayed away. Later, the police chief was mown down by a runaway driver and we watched blood gushing from an open wound as the Doc struggled to reset the broken leg without anaestheti­c.

It’s all very well to say that, if viewers are squeamish, they shouldn’t watch afternoon crime shows. This is no Columbo or Murder She Wrote. Common sense suggests Doctor Blake ought to be shown after 8pm.

Many female fans of a certain vintage won’t care about that, nor the series’ commendabl­e attention to 1950s clothes and decor. They tune in for Craig McLachlan, once the Neighbours hunk henry and now a twinkle-eyed paladin with a touch of silver at the temples.

It’s a reckless reviewer who breathes a word against Craig, as I discovered when I compared him unfavourab­ly with a table-leg. So I’m saying nothing, except to note he’s developing a touch of the Clarkson paunch. That’s not a criticism. Just an observatio­n. Forget I mentioned it.

The best acting of the night came unexpected­ly in a history documen-

tary. Titanic’s Tragic Twin: The

Britannic Disaster (BBC2) told the story of how the colossal hospital ship was holed by a mine in the Aegean Sea during World War I and sank within an hour.

It’s usual in these programmes to feature actors in reconstruc­tions. But these scenes are usually wordless, just tableaux in costumes — a backdrop for the historian to talk over. This was grippingly different. Several of the survivors left detailed accounts of the sinking and the appalling death toll, as lifeboats were sucked into the guillotine­s of the propellor.

Their words were spoken by actors who bore a vivid resemblanc­e to their sepia photo portraits. They read the diary entries and memoirs with real intensity, conjuring the tragedy as if it had been filmed.

especially moving was James Groom, as seaman Archie Jewell, who had survived the sinking of the Titanic three years earlier. Poor Archie was a doomed man: just five months after the Britannic went down, he drowned aboard another hospital ship when it was torpedoed in the english Channel.

The documentar­y was marred by the macho posturing of copresente­r Andy Torbet, whose job was to dive down to the wreck.

‘remote control underwater cameras will track our every move,’ he announced, ‘with all the safety back-up of a space mission.’ This show didn’t need that breathless puffery.

 ?? CHRISTOPHE­R STEVENS LAST NIGHT’S TV ?? The Doctor Blake Mysteries HHIII Titanic’s Tragic Twin: The Britannic Disaster HHHHI
CHRISTOPHE­R STEVENS LAST NIGHT’S TV The Doctor Blake Mysteries HHIII Titanic’s Tragic Twin: The Britannic Disaster HHHHI

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