Daily Mail

Lucky break for the future of football . . .


Acouple of years ago, it was our grandson Jake’s sixth birthday and there was a family gettogethe­r at his house. two sets of grandparen­ts were there, with friends and other family. the only people missing were Aunty Alison and cousin Will.

We weren’t unduly worried, as Will had been playing football that morning and time was tight for him to get to the party promptly. As time went on, however, we decided to ring to find out where they were.

Jake’s sister Holly, then ten, said she would ring. she came back with the distressin­g news that Will had broken his foot and Alison had taken him to Watford to have it looked at. (We guessed this would be Watford General Hospital.)

Apparently they would be three or four hours at least.

We were all worried by this news. However, not long afterwards, there was a knock at the door and there stood Alison and Will, perfectly OK.

We related the phone conversati­on to them and they both laughed, telling us that Will had broken his phone and had taken it to Watford to be fixed!

the party went ahead, with Alison and Will leaving a little early to pick up his phone, as he needed it for work.

later on in the evening, we had occasion to ring Alison about something. A worried sounding dad answered the call and said she wasn’t home as she had taken Will to Watford General.

He had been in agony on the way home with a suspected broken foot and they would probably be some time.

We couldn’t believe what had happened. We all wondered if Holly had some psychic powers.

luckily, after X-rays, etc., it turned out Will had a bad sprain and had to take some time off work.

I’m glad to say he recovered quickly, even if we didn’t!

Mrs Olive Palmer, Rugby, Warks.

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