Daily Mail

Yellen takes a bold step

- Alex Brummer CITY EDITOR

OVER the decades we have become used to American interest rates leading the way for the UK, as they did after 9/11 and the financial crisis when they kicked off an era of super-low money costs for consumers. But contrary to some of the earlier forward guidance offered by the governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney, rates are now trending in different directions.

Last night the chairman of Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, lifted interest rates by a quarter point for the second time in a decade to a range of 0.5pc to 0.75pc. She also alerted the market to three hikes in 2017 to 1.4pc, a more aggressive stance that previously thought.

The jump has been a long time coming, postponed by market convulsion­s in China and a reluctance to do anything in the heat of an American election campaign.

In contrast, Britain moved in the opposite direction in 2016. In the aftermath of the referendum vote on June 23 when political chaos looked to be the order, Carney stepped into the power vacuum and cut the bank rate to 0.25pc, ordering a new round of money printing and a facility to support banks.

Subsequent­ly he indicated that in the light of Brexit uncertaint­y and the depreciati­on of the pound, the Bank intended to look through the 2pc target for inflation and hold interest rates low to support stability and recovery. This suggests that in 2017 we can expect to see a period when US rates and those in the UK are no longer moving in lockstep. The natural result of that would be to see the pound weaken against the dollar although the 15pc fall since the Brexit vote should militate against a substantia­l move.

US markets have already anticipate­d an era of higher (if still very low) rates by historical standards and the 30-year bond yield has jumped by as much as 44pc to 3.108pc.

Yields on British government bonds have also moved up, but not by as much. However, were there to be a substantia­l shift as inflation looms into view, Carney and the interest rate- setting Monetary Policy Committee might need a rethink earlier than has been expected.

Punch drunk

THE hedge funds that dominate the Punch Taverns share register took a punt on the British pub when no-one else was interested. Now they can look forward to a pay day.

First out of the traps to grab Punch is the Dutch brewer Heineken – already a huge force in the UK through the 2008 purchase of Scottish & Newcastle. It is the brewer of Newcastle Brown, Bulmers cider and owner of the S&N chain of 1,100 boozers subsequent­ly rebranded as Star Pubs & Bars. Its offer values the equity in Punch’s 3,000 or so tenanted pubs at £386m.

A second offer from an outfit called Emerald, vehicle of one of Punch’s founders Alan McIntosh, is thought to be worth £410m.

Whoever buys Punch will know that it comes with a huge debt pile of £1.4bn, down from £2.3bn in 2013. Heineken, as a wealthy privately owned global company, might seem better able to absorb the debt and a portfolio of pubs which struggles to make any profits at all. But it will also face regulatory challenges.

The Competitio­n & Markets Authority would presumably want to look at a transactio­n bringing together two of the country’s biggest pub chains. It might also feel the necessity to revisit the ‘beer orders’, which sought to separate the mass-market brewers such as Heineken from pubs so as to ease the pressures on tenanted landlords and allow consumers greater choice.

Earlier this year the Government acted again to try and free up the market by giving tenanted landlords the freedom to buy from other suppliers. Punch landlords who receive a cheaper rent deal by buying the beer through the pub owners have shown little enthusiasm.

Hedge funds headed by New York-based Glenview Capital Partners with a 22.2pc stake are not known for hanging around when there is an offer on the table. As the controller­s of the vast majority of the equity, they can be expected to push the board to persuade Heineken to match or exceed the Emerald offer. The regulatory complexity of the beerage together with the debt anvil suggests that this will not be sorted quickly.

Bad call

WHY is Seb James so miserable? Admittedly his old mucker David Cameron is no longer at Number 10. The Brexit he wrought has been enormously beneficial to Dixons Carphone, delivering vastly better foreign exchange revenues from the Nordic countries, Southern Europe and Carphone’s smart Connected World Services.

In spite of all that has happened, the consumer remains buoyant, credit is free and easy and the nation’s top electronic­s retailer goes into the holiday period with a great deal of momentum. There is the risk of higher prices for imported goods, but so far the squeeze on real wages has yet to materialis­e.

For the moment the drop in the shares looks overdone. Talking the country into slowdown won’t help.

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