Daily Mail

Will anyone in government have the sense to reverse the utterly idiotic decision to ditch paper road tax discs?

- Stephen Glover

The OTheR day I suddenly wondered whether my car was taxed. A few years ago, I could have simply checked by looking at its windscreen. Now I had to rummage around in an old file for five minutes before I could be sure I wasn’t breaking the law.

Of all the idiotic, unnecessar­y, counterpro­ductive measures brought in by government­s in recent years, the abolition of the paper tax disc in October 2014 should surely be put at the very top of a pretty shameful list.

The old system, introduced in 1921, worked flawlessly. You paid your money at a post office or put a cheque in the post or, more recently, went online. You got an attractive coloured disc which was displayed on your windscreen. You could see you had paid your road tax, and so could the authoritie­s.

Never did I once hear anyone complain about this straightfo­rward and efficient procedure which harked back almost to the dawn of motor vehicles. It commanded near universal respect because it made such obvious sense.

And that, of course, is why the jobsworths at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) decided to get rid of it.

The main reason they gave for upsetting the apple-cart was that the new arrangemen­ts would save money — £14 million a year was the widely quoted figure. In a time of austerity, one shouldn’t scoff at modest money-saving measures. every little bit helps.

So if the relatively small sum of £14 million a year really had been saved, we might put up with the inconvenie­nce of the new system. Some might even accept the trap, into which many innocent people have fallen when they forget to renew, of paying a fine or having a car disabled by opportunis­tic clampers.

But new figures obtained by The Times newspaper following a Freedom of Informatio­n request confirm what many of us strongly suspected. Far from saving money, this supposedly wizard new scheme is costing the DVLA hundreds of millions of pounds a year in lost revenue.

It turns out that in the year before the change was introduced, the DVLA received just under £510 million a month. In the year after its stunningly brilliant innovation, this figure fell to less than £476 million a month.

By my calculatio­ns, that means that the DVLA collected a little over £400 million less than might have been expected in the year after the old, much cherished tax disc was junked.

Needless to say, the DVLA doesn’t wholly accept these figures. It claims a move to payment by direct debits makes strict comparison­s impossible. This sounds to me like special pleading by an organisati­on trying to cover up a grade one cock-up.

EVeN the DLVA, though, admits that road tax income fell by £93 million in the first year of the new system. In other words, by its own account, it lost six and a half times what it was supposed to have saved.

The explanatio­n is that a sizeable number of people are intentiona­lly failing to pay the new road tax. In the old days, a policeman or traffic warden might notice if a car wasn’t displaying a licence, or if it had expired. Few wanted to run that risk.

But now there are plenty of rogues who do, and some are getting away with it. The DVLA employs a private company called NSL Services which runs a fleet of vans with numberplat­e recognitio­n cameras linked to the DVLA database. With a bit of luck, a van might not come your way.

Meanwhile, some law-abiding citizens are being snared because they don’t realise — no longer possessing a paper disc — that their old licence has expired. That is easy enough to do since the DVLA sends only one reminder, which may be smothered by mounds of similarloo­king junk mail.

Before October 2014, 5,530 vehicles a month were clamped or impounded for non-payment of road tax. By last summer, the figure had risen to more than 12,200 a month. There will be many deliberate evaders among them, but also some innocents with poor memories.

Such forgetful types will also be included in the much higher number of people being fined for non-payment of road tax. (It rose by a third in the six months after the change.) They will also be among those being persecuted by an ever growing legion of bailiffs employed by the DVLA.

What a daft mess! And yet I don’t hear any apologies emanating from either the Government or the DVLA for having dreamt up a scheme which is at the same time depriving the Treasury of vital income and making life a misery for many of us.

We should hardly be surprised by the absence of contrition as the DVLA has a disgracefu­l record of putting its own interests before those whom it is meant to serve. It made millions of pounds out of selling our personal data to clampers until the scam was stopped.

In 2015, it excelled itself by scrapping the paper or counter- part driving licence. If you now want to hire a car, the rental company may want to know whether you have been guilty of any traffic offences, which used to be listed on the paper licence.

In order to access these details, the company will need a special code from you, which you can obtain by telephonin­g the DVLA (expect a long wait, for which you will have to pay) or going online. The code expires after 72 hours, so if you want to rent another car you’ll have to go through the same rigmarole all over again.

WhOeVeR it is who thinks up these schemes in some bloodless office in Swansea, where the DVLA is based, has no regard for our convenienc­e, and assumes moreover that everyone is happy to go online instantly. Physical proof — a paper disc or paper diving licence — is no longer deemed desirable or necessary.

Of course, civil servants divorced from the rest of humanity often make barmy calculatio­ns. For example, the increase in stamp duty announced by George Osborne, the then Chancellor, in December 2014 has cost more than it has raised — like the abolition of the tax disc.

The Treasury received about half the expected extra £700 million. And, according to the independen­t think-tank Oxford economics, the increase in stamp duty led to 1,950 fewer sales of properties worth more than £1 million, and indirectly to the loss of 14,000 jobs. The cost to the economy has been estimated at nearly £1 billion.

So far as the paper road tax licence is concerned, its abolition self-evidently helps no one. I was astounded to read that edmund King, head of the AA, thinks ‘we can’t turn the clock back by re-introducin­g the tax disc’. And this from a man who doesn’t like the new arrangemen­ts!

Why on earth can’t we turn the clock back? It would involve the panjandrum­s of the DVLA eating humble pie, but the rest of us would greatly enjoy that spectacle. They made a huge mistake by ruining as perfect a system as could ever be devised by government.

Theresa May has made much of her desire to help ‘ordinary people’. The trouble is that helping them usually involves spending more money. But that wouldn’t be the case with the re- introducti­on of the tax disc, which, according to a recent poll, is what three- quarters of drivers want.

It’s a small thing in a way. But in another way it’s not. Bringing back something that used to work, and getting rid of an ill- conceived and unpopular scheme that was unilateral­ly imposed upon us, would show that the Prime Minister really does connect with ordinary people.

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