Daily Mail



SIT down at the start of each week with your diet diary, which was free in Saturday’s paper. (If you missed it, email your name and address to helpline@dailymail.

co.uk or call Freephone 0808 7 0808, from 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday, and we’ll post one to you.)

Work your way through each day, planning meals around your activities and commitment­s.

IF YOU want rapid weight loss of up to a stone in two weeks, pick my one-meal-a-day fast-track plan: stick to 800 calories maximum, concentrat­ed in one meal or spread across one meal and a healthy snack (of less than 00 calories — see Monday’s pullout).

FOR controlled but effective weight loss of up to a stone in a month, go for my two-meal-a-day plan and skip breakfast or lunch.

If you like to start the day with a good breakfast, make a healthy choice of around 400 calories (see suggestion­s on the previous page and in Saturday’s magazine).

But if you are happy to skip breakfast, save your calories for a filling and nutritious lunch (see the salads in Tuesday’s pullout and taketo-work lunch ideas on Friday), then enjoy a delicious evening meal of around 600 calories.

There’s even room for a fruitbased dessert (see yesterday’s paper for suggestion­s) or a glass of wine.

IF YOU are happy to lose weight steadily, at around 1lb to lb a week, or you want to maintain your weight and be more healthy, try my three-meals-a-day plan.

Simply divide your calories throughout the day to suit your own circumstan­ces. As long as you don’t exceed 1,500 calories and are active, you will still lose weight.

This means you can have a 300calorie breakfast, 400 for lunch, a 600-calorie dinner from one of the delicious recipes in today’s paper and still have room for extra vegetables, dessert or a glass of wine.

WEIGH yourself every morning and record the weight and the time in your diary.

WRITE down every meal and the calories in each one.

DO SOME exercise every day (see previous page for inspiratio­n).

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