Daily Mail

‘Bomb plot boy called Jo Cox killer a hero’


A college student who celebrated the murder of MP Jo cox made a pipe bomb in preparatio­n for an ‘all- out race war,’ a court heard yesterday.

The 17- year- old ‘dressed like a bank clerk’, but was said to be a neo-Nazi extremist who called Jo cox’s murderer a ‘hero’.

He made a ‘viable’ improvised explosive device using fireworks after googling ‘how to create a pipe bomb,’ leeds crown court heard. But police alerted to his Snapchat messages raided his bedroom, which was covered in Nazi memorabili­a, and found the ‘bomb’ in a drawer.

one posted image was of a mosque being blown up, captioned: ‘It’s time to enact retributio­n upon the Muslim filth.’ The teenager, who cannot be named, denies preparing a terrorist act and an alternativ­e charge of making a pipe bomb.

Prosecutor Barnaby Jameson told the jury the teenager became involved with National Action, a ‘ small, secretive NeoNazi British youth nationalis­t organisati­on.’ last June, on the day that Mrs cox, pictured, was murdered by Thomas Mair in her West Yorkshire constituen­cy, the teenager posted a picture of the killer on Facebook. His message read: ‘Tommy Mair is a HeRo. There’s one less race traitor in Britain thanks to this man.’

Mr Jameson said: ‘(The teenager’s) political views were so extreme that he celebrated in the murder of a democratic­ally elected MP – presumably because she had voted to remain in the eU.’

The teenager told police: ‘I’ve simply been fooling around with fireworks and showing them off to my peers in my naivety – I have never had the intention to cause any harm to any person.’ The trial continues.

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