Daily Mail



YESTERDAY, Mars was in conjunctio­n with Chiron, and tomorrow it links with saturn. Chiron, a more recent addition to the celestial bodies studied by astrologer­s, remains a muchdebate­d influence. some people believe it can represent pain in our lives. But the centaur Chiron, though a wounded immortal, was a healer, a teacher and a hero. When combined with Mars’s call to action, it brings the potential to triumph over adversity. stick with your endeavours now. stay determined. What we start will echo long into the future.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

POLITICIAN­S are for ever being asked about their policies. ‘What do you intend to do about this?’ they’re asked. They try not to be too specific in their answers. They don’t want to make themselves a hostage to fortune. What they really want to say is: ‘Listen, I’m not sure what I’d do, but trust me because I’m very wise. When the moment comes, my judgment will be good.’ You aren’t a politician, and you don’t yet need a convincing strategy. So stop worrying about who’s going to believe you — and believe in yourself. NEW! Your financial prediction­s for 2017. For some surprising­ly encouragin­g news, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

ARE you in a state of delusion or denial? Are you dreaming and scheming when you really ought to be facing facts and wrestling with realities? I ask this only because I recognise the concerns that are starting to well up within you as you now look at a set of hopeful possibilit­ies. You don’t want to end up feeling disappoint­ed. You’ve chased rainbows in the past and ended up with nothing to show for it. Yet there’s a very strong chance that at least some of what you’re looking at now is worth trusting. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Money forecast. There’s better news than you think. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

YOU like to do difficult things. Or rather, you like the sense of delight you get when you accomplish the apparently impossible. Indeed, you instinctiv­ely seek new ways to experience this. When others would look at a situation and say: ‘Oh, that’s far too challengin­g,’ you’re more inclined to say: ‘I wonder, if I approached it from that angle, perhaps I might just be able to . . .’ When this leads to success, you feel proud, and when it doesn’t . . . Well, it’s too early to decide a recent endeavour has failed. NEW! Your financial prediction­s for 2017. For some surprising­ly encouragin­g news, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

WHEN motorists have been driving along a fast road for a long time, they often find they’re also tempted to speed along the nearby suburban roads. Soldiers returning from a battle zone need to go through a phase of adjustment before they can manage to stop looking out for enemies at every turn. You’ve been dealing with a problem for so long you might find you’ve forgotten how to lead a life that contains less difficulty. But you’ll get the hang of the new cosmic climate soon enough. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Money forecast. There’s better news than you think. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

YOU don’t really want everything to work out just the way you want. You might think you do, but just imagine how much pleasure you’ll feel if you see things work out the way someone else wants them to work out. And unless their ideal, desired objective completely conflicts with every last aspect of yours, you’ll benefit somehow from their success. Actually, you might benefit even if your plans are thwarted — because not all your plans are as good as you think! Make room today for helping someone else succeed. NEW! Your financial prediction­s for 2017. For some surprising­ly encouragin­g news, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

YOU’RE a great coper. No matter how big the difficulty or how daunting the challenge, you take it on and do your best. When asked if you’re having a tough time, you’re unlikely to concede as much. Unless you’re talking to someone you truly trust, you’ll probably say: ‘No, I’m fine, thanks.’ Perhaps that’s why you don’t often get the help you need and deserve. People just take your reply at face value. Yet if you now make a request for assistance, you won’t just get a kind of clumsy interferen­ce, you’ll get real support. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Money forecast. There’s better news than you think. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

THEY say nothing happens by accident. But if it’s true that everything happens by design, whose design is it? We can only learn from the consequenc­es of our actions if we know that we’ve taken those actions in the first place. So it’s all very well saying that, somehow, you must have ‘chosen’ the situation you are now in. But if you have no conscious memory of making a choice, you might as well have not made it. You might not remember choosing to be where you are now. Yet you might still be glad you wound up here. NEW! Your financial prediction­s for 2017. For some surprising­ly encouragin­g news, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

NO ONE can see through you. Even a detective as gifted as the legendary Sherlock Holmes can’t draw more than a few superficia­l conclusion­s about you from the way you act, talk or dress. Even if you visit the most talented psychic or the most experience­d psychologi­st, they’ll see only what you’re willing to allow them to see. Are you keeping a secret now? If you want to keep it a secret, fear not. And if you want something to come out into the open, don’t allow it to be discovered: present the truth boldly. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Money forecast. There’s better news than you think. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

ARE you trying to find your way through a moral maze? Be aware that material mazes have middles. Once you reach them, you have to go right back out the way you came in. Moral mazes, though, rarely reach a clear-cut centre. They just become ever more complex the longer and harder you think them through. That’s why most people don’t bother to give them much attention. They just grab an easy, attractive opinion. But in thinking so deeply now, you’re being brave. Be patient, too. NEW! Your financial prediction­s for 2017. For some surprising­ly encouragin­g news, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

IF YOU want to make sure someone listens to you, should you shout at them with a megaphone or whisper gently in their ear? Which approach is the most persuasive? Perhaps you feel you just can’t get within whispering distance. Even so, a loudhailer isn’t necessaril­y the best solution. Whisper gently in the ear of someone else who can then whisper gently in the ear of yet another person, until eventually those whispers reach the right destinatio­n. The key to a close connection now is subtlety. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Money forecast. There’s better news than you think. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

FLORENCE Nightingal­e, who reformed the world of nursing, once said: ‘Apprehensi­on, uncertaint­y, waiting, expectatio­n and fear of surprise do a patient more harm than any exertion.’ Her focus on the importance of the psychologi­cal as well as the physical might entitle her to be thought of as a holistic healer. It’s the healer within you that I address today. With the Sun preparing to enter your sign, you can do much to solve a problem. But to do so, you must work with sympathy and understand­ing. NEW! Your financial prediction­s for 2017. For some surprising­ly encouragin­g news, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

THEY say seeing is believing, but it’s not always true. For many, it’s the opposite: we tend to see what we believe we ought to see! If we don’t believe something’s possible, we don’t see it, even if it happens before our eyes. What are you looking at now? Does it make sense? Is there some other factor that, for some reason, you’re unable to recognise? Consider a crucial matter from another angle. Open your mind and your eyes will open of their own accord. NEW! Don’t miss your 2017 Full Year Ahead Money forecast. There’s better news than you think. Call 0906 751 5612.

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