Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


ANDY MURRAY has crashed out of the Australian Open (Mail). Can we rescind his knighthood?

DOUG MATTHEWS, Nottingham.

NOW that women, rather than men, are having children in their 50s and 60s (Mail), have we entered the age of the hen, rather than the rooster? Go girls, go!

DIANE SILVA, Lytham, Lancs.

GERMAN-BORN GP Dr Catja Schmitgen is right about patients who don’t speak English (Mail). It must be difficult but vets seem to cope well enough with their non-English-speaking patients. TERRY McDONALD-DORMAN, Darlington, Co-Durham.

WAS 1957 Britain’s happiest year of the last century (Mail)? Not for me. That’s when I got my National Service call-up papers.

R. McGAHAN, Sunderland.

IS THE newly-released T2 Trainspott­ing film as big a disappoint­ment to railway enthusiast­s as the original?


ARE ‘protests’ the new rock ’n’ roll? Bored with life? Join a protest: it’s free, you meet people and can feel part of the crowd (it doesn’t matter what it’s about).

PAUL BRAZIER, Kingswood, Gloucs.

WHY do today’s politician­s find it so hard to embrace Churchill’s memorable apology that the speech he was about to deliver was long because he hadn’t had time to prepare a short one?

HUW BEYNON, Llandeilo, West Wales.

WHY would anyone in their right mind pay good money to listen to, take advice from or even employ losers like Cameron and Osborne?


WE’RE told the EU has been friendly to us (Letters). About as much as Dracula to young women?


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