Daily Mail

The dastardly Mr Deedes

- Have you any gossip for our City diary? Email: mrdeedes@dailymail.co.uk

Former investment banker Emmanuel Macron has emerged as the dark horse in France’s Presidenti­al elections, where he is rising in the polls behind front runners Francois Fillon and Marine Le Pen. The toothy millionair­e, 39, who is standing as an independen­t, is a former executive at Rothschild & Co where he was a protégé of the firm’s resplenden­t patriarch, Baron David de Rothschild, 74. Says a Rothschild source: ‘David’s been insisting for months Macron will win.’

The £4.9m-a-year Dixons chief executive Seb James, 50, a contempora­ry of David Cameron, says his time at Eton was blighted by homesickne­ss. He tells Management Today: ‘I was quite unhappy in my first few years. A typical scene would be me on a payphone to my mum in a central area, crying while trying to put the 2p pieces into the slot while someone behind me was giving me a wedgie.’ How cruel. Do we think bully boy Dave did the honours?

Drollest response of the week goes to Tom Williams, bald, straight-talking chief operating officer of Airbus, the Frenchbase­d aircraft maker whose wings are manufactur­ed in the UK. Asked yesterday by hawk-eyed Treasury Select Committee chair- man Andrew Tyrie how Airbus would fare without the UK, Williams replied drily. ‘We’d just be a bus.’

Stinker of a morning yesterday for £5.4m-a-year BT boss Gavin Patterson. Not only was the firm forced to write down the value of its Italian unit by £530m, but the subsequent 19pc drop in BT’s share price then left Patterson, 49, £2m poorer. Into every life a little rain must fall I suppose, even Gorgeous Gav’s.

Having just landed a £200,000-a-year advisory role with BlackRock, former chancellor George Osborne couldn’t resist informing Twitter followers of another high profile gig yesterday, announcing: ‘Honoured to speak at Chinese New Year dinner alongside Mr Jin, president of Asian Infrastruc­ture Bank, to promote UK/China golden era in Year of the Rooster.’ A non- Osborne supporter Tweets back: ‘Apt in the year of the rooster for a c**k to be giving the speech.’ Uncalled for!

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