Daily Mail

Lord got green energy grants for heating his unused swimming pool

- By Paul Bentley Deputy Investigat­ions Editor

MuLTI- MILLIoNAIR­ES are being handed tens of thousands of pounds a year by the Government to heat their mansions and swimming pools.

Wealthy owners of country estates are rewarded for using excessive amounts of heat – as long as it is made using ‘green’ energy.

Some are given as much as £50,000 every year in taxpayers’ money so the uK can meet renewable energy targets agreed with the European union.

Rewards increase as the landowners use more heat, so profits can be maximised by turning up the temperatur­e.

The House of Schivas estate in Aberdeensh­ire run by Lord Catto, 66, is under investigat­ion after the Daily Mail found it has been paid thousands in government subsidies to heat its indoor swimming pool 24 hours a day.

A reporter was told the water was kept hot at all times, even in summer.

In another case an undercover reporter was advised by a green energy salesman to raise the heat in the pool at a country manor to take advantage of the system.

The extraordin­ary deals mean the wealthy landowners are guaranteed to get the payments for 20 years. Almost £800million has been set aside to cover

‘You’re going to get more money back’

the payments this year and costs are expected to rise to more than £1billion by 2020. Meanwhile thousands of homeowners across the country struggle to heat their homes and pay their winter bills.

Tory MEP Daniel Hannan called the scheme ‘upper class welfarism’. He added: ‘A system like this can be literally corrupting in that it makes an otherwise good person behave badly.’

A similar ‘cash for ash’ scandal in Northern Ireland has led to a political crisis there. Homeowners milked profits by turning ‘green’ heating to maximum and opening windows.

Today the Mail can reveal: ÷ Green energy salesmen claim clients in England make up to £50,000 a year from the renewable heat incentive scheme (RHI); ÷ Landowners are advised to make money by using woodchip-fuelled heating in old farmhouses as they are poorly insulated and use more energy; ÷ Investigat­ions into suspected RHI fraud rose last year; ÷ The ‘green’ boilers are up to 20 per cent less efficient than hoped.

For six years wealthy homeowners and businesses have been pushed to switch oil and electric heaters to biomass boilers which get energy from woodchips or pellets, rotted trees, manure and sewage. The idea is to help the uK hit an Eu target of getting 15 per cent of its energy from renewable sources by 2020. They are paid depending on how much heat is used. A cap of about 15 per cent of all the hours in the year exists to stop people keeping the heating on maximum all day.

But some users try to get as close to the cap as possible to maximise the payouts. our undercover reporter, posing as a country estate employee, was encouraged by biomass salesmen to exploit the RHI.

‘What you want to do is get up as close to that [cap] in a year as you can because that’s where your maximum benefit’s going to be,’ one said. ‘You might increase your temperatur­e in the pool by a degree or two or raise the temperatur­e in the houses.’

He added: ‘If you’ve got an old farmhouse or cottages that aren’t very well insulated that’s better because you’re going to be using more energy, therefore you’re going to get more money back.’

The House of Schivas estate signed up to the RHI scheme more than four years ago and has claimed tens of thousands of pounds to use a woodchip boiler to heat the main house and the farm manager’s home. But it allegedly made most money on its pool.

‘The payback was quicker with the swimming pool because it was on all the time,’ former estate manager Mark Andrew told the Mail.

‘It was using heat all the time. It’s absolutely brilliant. Throughout the year it’s the same. Throughout winter and summer.’

The investigat­ion by ofgem, the office of Gas and Electricit­y Markets, will examine if rules have been manipulate­d rather than any suspicion of fraud.

Current estate manager Tom Stewart said the pool is heated for six hours a day at the moment.

The Government has proposed to reform RHI this spring. The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy said there were rules to prevent misuse.

Last year there was a rise in investigat­ions of suspected fraud relating to RHI. There were 37 probes – compared to four in 2012/13. The domestic RHI began in 2014, accounting for some of the rise.

ofgem said it ‘ensures all participan­ts comply with their obligation­s, which includes not generating heat for the predominan­t purpose of increasing payments’.

 ??  ?? Under investigat­ion: The House of Schivas estate is said to have had its indoor pool on all the time. Inset: Ex-manager Mark Andrew
Under investigat­ion: The House of Schivas estate is said to have had its indoor pool on all the time. Inset: Ex-manager Mark Andrew

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