Daily Mail

Inside Gwynnie’s pantry (with some very naughty nibbles!)


AT first glance, Gwyneth Paltrow’s pantry looks as immaculate as her.

The jars are carefully lined up, each basket has a label – and of course, there is no hint of a spill or mess.

But it seems even the queen of clean eating can’t resist a naughty treat or two.

For among the jars of seeds and rows of nut butters are crisps, popcorn and even carbohydra­te-rich white pasta.

The star, 44, opened up her kitchen for the first time for an article published on her lifestyle website, Goop, on how to declutter. And by revealing what she really keeps in her cupboard, the mother-of-two has shown she doesn’t always practise what she preaches.

While in the past, she has advocated a diet free from gluten, sugar, caffeine an dairy, some rather unhealthy snacks were on show in her pantry, including a large bag of Kettle Chip crisps, another of Pop Chips and two big jars of white pasta.

It is likely that crisps are for children Apple, 12, and Moses, ten – who also have their own basket of snacks. How- ever, other ingredient­s reflect her healthy eating credential­s, including a bottle of agave syrup – an alternativ­e to sugar made from the agave plant. Also on display is a large jar of flax seeds, championed for their ‘superfood’ status.

Judging by the large bottle of trendy sriracha hot sauce, the actress seems to have a penchant for spicy food – not to mention a weakness for popcorn.

In a recent interview, Miss Paltrow distanced herself from faddy diets, saying: ‘I think there’s a lot of misinforma­tion about what I actually eat. I really don’t have any rules.’

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Gwyneth: Pasta stash

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