Daily Mail

Recline and raise your legs to aid circulatio­n


A RISER recliner chair that’s a perfect fit for your body can provide a relaxing focal point in the home, enabling you to move easily into the best position to ease aches or breathless­ness.

Good lumbar support and correctly positioned armrests will help muscles and ligaments align and relax, which should assist the circulatio­n.

And being able to recline and raise your legs can be therapeuti­c, relieving swelling and promoting bloodflow back to the heart, so that it can be replenishe­d with oxygen by the lungs.

A tilt-in space chair with a fixed back will give extra support and greater leg elevation to aid circulatio­n. Some chairs have the option of a massage system, which might boost circulatio­n and reduce pressure from fluid in the legs and ankles.

 ?? Picture: OAK TREE MOBILITY ??

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