Daily Mail

‘Grossly unjust’ – fury over police chief ’s Heath abuse claim

- By Rebecca Camber Crime Correspond­ent

THE farce over the Edward Heath investigat­ion deepened yesterday as the police chief said to be ‘120 per cent’ sure the former Conservati­ve prime minister was a paedophile was accused of acting as judge and jury.

Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale was reported to have said he believed claims of sexual abuse against the late politician were true.

The comments were reported in the middle of an 18 month long £900,000 investigat­ion.

Now Sir Edward’s godson has called on Mr Veale to publish the facts to prove his ‘grossly unjust’ remarks.

And local MP James Gray – who has called for a leak inquiry – demanded Mr Veale resign if he is found to have deliberate­ly briefed the media in a bid to justify the controvers­ial probe.

The row comes a day after the Daily Mail revealed that police are investigat­ing claims that Sir Edward was linked to a paedophile ring accused of 16 child murders.

The allegation­s were made by a family who allege the politician was part of a satanic sex cult run by their own parents, who they say burnt babies and killed as many as 16 children.

At the weekend Mr Veale was reported to have said he believed that child abuse allegation­s made by 30 alleged victims against the late politician are ‘totally convincing’ and he is ‘120 per cent’ certain they are genuine.

Hours after the story was published, Mr Veale condemned ‘unhelpful and inappropri­ate speculatio­n about this case’ and stated that ‘it is not the role of the police to judge the guilt or innocence of people in our criminal justice system’. But he did not deny making the remarks which are said to have been uttered in a private conversati­on about the force’s beleaguere­d investigat­ion known as Operation Conifer.

Yesterday Lincoln Seligman, the godson of Sir Edward who died in 2005, said the comments were ‘grossly unjust’.

He said: ‘Veale seems to be saying to the public, “It’s for me to know and you to find out”. Whatever the truth turns out to be these sporadic declaratio­ns of his own beliefs are not the way to deliver it. He says the police should not act as judge and jury. But that’s what he is doing by voicing his personal certainty of Edward Heath’s guilt. This is grossly unjust.’

North Wiltshire Tory MP Mr Gray demanded an inquiry into the source of the remarks.

He said: ‘I have no evidence the chief constable has released this informatio­n, but if it has come from the police service it is a disgrace to release informatio­n during the course of an investigat­ion with a view to besmirchin­g his name. If the chief constable has intervened I would ask the Home Secretary to dismiss him.’

Joe Haines, who was press secretary to Labour leader Harold Wilson from 1969 to 1976, said he had never heard anything with the slightest substance to suggest Sir Edward was a sexual deviant.

Wiltshire Police and Crime Commission­er Angus Macpherson defended Mr Veale. He said: ‘The Chief Constable has not intervened.’

A spokesman for the force refused to say whether it was investigat­ing a potential leak.

‘It’s for me to know’

 ??  ?? Under fire: Mike Veale
Under fire: Mike Veale

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