Daily Mail



CAN eating be a way of boosting self-esteem and reducing anxiety? Happily, the answer is yes. Because whenever you ‘eat like you love yourself ’, you’re sending a message to yourself about how much you value you.

While tucking into doughnuts in front of the TV might seem relaxing after a stressful day, afterwards it can feel like we’ve abused our poor bodies, rather than nurtured them. In contrast, eating well sends your subconscio­us a powerful message that ‘I am worthy’ — essential to tackle anxiety.

So, ask yourself: ‘How would I eat if I really loved myself?’ For me, it means making time, setting the table and preparing something from fresh ingredient­s that are bursting with colour, then giving myself the time to really taste and enjoy the food.

In the same vein, if you’re feeling anxious, multi-tasking as you eat will make matters worse. Eating while flicking through your phone or sat in front of the TV is not good for your state of mind — or digestion.

Mealtimes should be an opportunit­y to slow down. Buddhist monk and mindfulnes­s master Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that ‘anxiety comes primarily from our inability to dwell in the present moment’.

Our first step to calmness should be reclaiming our mealtimes.

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