Daily Mail



BEFORE every daily session, do this two-minute warmup to mobilise muscles and joints — preventing injury and preparing your body for exercise. Do it slower as a cool down afterwards.

1 Standing, lift one knee high, hugging it to your chest if you can, alternate knees. Repeat.

2 Lift right arm above your head, bend arm at the elbow, reach back and try to tap fingers/palm between shoulder blades (or as close as you can). Alternate arms. Repeat.

3 Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, step your right leg out to the side, keeping your feet flexed, and reach for your toes with your right hand. Alternate.

4 Clap your hands in front of the body, then open arms out wide. Repeat.

5 Right hand resting against a wall for balance, bend your left knee behind you and try to grab your foot and pull it towards your bottom. Switch legs and repeat.

6 Place hands on your shoulders and roll, squeezing elbows all the way round. Repeat forwards and backwards.

7 Feet wide, eyes forward, tighten tummy muscles and slowly rotate torso, twisting body from one side to the other.

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