Daily Mail

Putin sends in a warship over ‘illegal act’

- By Ian Drury Home Affairs Editor

VLADIMIR Putin yesterday denounced the US missile strikes as an illegal act of aggression against a sovereign nation.

Moscow said the bombardmen­t violated internatio­nal law, had been ordered on a trumped-up pretext and had inflicted substantia­l damage on US-Russia relations.

The furious Russian president responded to the attack against his ally by diverting warship the Admiral Grigorovic­h to protect the Syrian coast and vowing to bolster tyrant Bashar al Assad’s missile defences against further bombing raids.

He also suspended a military hotline known as the ‘deconflict­ion line’ which is designed to avoid mid-air collisions and confrontat­ions between Russian and US fighter jets over the war-torn country.

Mr Putin acted as fears grew that the crisis could topple into war between Russia and the West.

His spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: ‘This move by Washington is causing substantia­l damage to Russian-US relations.

‘Mr Putin believes that this step does not bring us closer to the ultimate goal in the fight against internatio­nal terrorism. On the contrary, it creates serious obstacles to efforts to forge an internatio­nal coalition to fight against it and effectivel­y counter this global evil.’

Russia’s foreign minister Sergey Lavrov strongly condemned the US strike.

He said: ‘This is an act of aggression under a far-fetched pretext. Russia will draw conclusion­s from the actions of the United States in Syria.’

The Kremlin’s propaganda machine clicked into gear, claiming only 23 of 59 cruise missiles reached the Shayrat airbase, destroying six Syrian jets but leaving the runway intact. It said no Russian serv- icemen were killed or injured. The Pentagon insisted that all but one of the missiles hit their targets and Russia had been given a 30-minute warning of the strike to minimise casualties.

A convoy of Russian vehicles was seen leaving the airbase on Thursday night.

Russia warned that hopes of a new dawn in relations between the US and Russia, which had seemed high after Donald Trump’s election victory, had been dealt a major blow.

Pentagon officials last night urged the Kremlin to keep military communicat­ion channels open.

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