Daily Mail

It’s not racist to want nHS nurses to speak English


there’s no doubt that without foreign workers the Nhs would collapse. This fact was used by remainers as a reason why Brexit will be disastrous for the Nhs. They argue that without free movement, the Nhs will face a staffing crisis.

What rot! having control of our borders will mean that we are able to choose who can come in. We will, therefore, be able to allow into this country those from the eU who have skills that we need, just as we currently do for those coming from outside the eU.

In fact, just over 25 per cent of the Nhs medical workforce is from outside the eU — countries such as India — compared with the 10 per cent from the eU.

But why is the UK so reliant on staff from overseas in the first place? What happened?

Britain was once at the forefront of the developmen­t of biomedicin­e. We are head and shoulders above other nations in our contributi­on towards medical science. From penicillin to DNA, our discoverie­s have changed the course of history.

so why can’t we organise ourselves well enough to train sufficient doctors and nurses to keep the Nhs afloat?

The current situation in which the Nhs needs to recruit staff from all over the world, while celebrated by some of the liberal elite as evidence of how ‘inclusive’ and ‘tolerant’ we are as a nation, makes me profoundly uncomforta­ble.

Why is it celebrated that we effectivel­y steal the best medical staff from impoverish­ed, struggling countries? Why is it that we have to import staff — who may not fully understand the language, culture or practices of our country — as a matter of routine?

A house of Lords committee has now waded into the issue, saying that the Nhs is ‘too reliant’ on foreign staff and blamed successive government­s for failing to plan. It argues that our reliance on foreign workers is the biggest threat to the Nhs.

I completely agree. I’ve seen this myself in psychiatry. In some areas of the country, nearly half of posts are unfilled simply because there aren’t the staff for them. This means trusts increasing­ly have to recruit from abroad.

Things are so dire that they will employ people who, frankly, I wouldn’t trust to look after my goldfish. One former colleague told me she had struggled to get work in her own country, so came here because she knew she’d walk into a job.

But if she was not deemed good enough for a job in her own country, why is she considered good enough in ours?

In one hospital where I worked, they recruited health care assistants (hCAs) from outside the eU. The interview was conducted in local dialect by a local recruiter, and one of the hCAs arrived not being able to speak a word of english. Not a word. I had to teach her how to say ‘Good Morning’ to the patients.

HOWcould she be expected to take blood pressure readings, record the results and then tell me if there was a problem? how could she reassure anxious patients if she could not even speak to them?

recently, a wholly unhelpful sensitivit­y has sprung up around talking about this, yet it has to be said: many of these recruits struggle with english, have limited written communicat­ion skills and are from different cultures with different attitudes and beliefs. Why is it considered racist to be concerned that patients can’t understand the nurse trying to explain something to them?

While we’re wasting money left, right and centre in the Nhs on managers and paper-pushers who contribute absolutely nothing to the welfare of patients, why can’t the money be channelled into training adequate numbers of staff to meet our needs?

We rely on more overseas health staff than any other european country. What an embarrassm­ent.

rather than giving ourselves a self-satisfied pat on the back that we employ staff from all over the world, we should acknowledg­e that the reason we do this is because of our own ineptitude at workforce planning and hang our heads in shame.

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