Daily Mail

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20


WHEN someone says ‘be my guest’, it doesn’t mean we can just take whatever we want, with no thought of the consequenc­es. Rather, we’re allowed a portion of what we desire, under the observatio­n of our host. This, though, is not the protocol followed by the cosmos. The planets are inviting you to take your fill. You won’t break any rules if you pursue all you desire right now. In fact, the cosmos will be delighted. Just try, for you own sake, not to over-indulge! Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

WE ALL prefer to stay in our comfort zone. We like what we know, and know what we like. And sometimes, the things we come to like the most are the ones we began by liking the least. Acquired tastes are all the more enjoyable because we’ve put effort into learning to like them. With your ruler Venus moving backwards, you may have been engaging in tastes that challenged your palate. But now it’s direct again, you’ll discover it has simply broadened the spectrum of what you can enjoy. As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this week special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WHAT happens when we see a levitating trick? We know the magician’s assistant isn’t really floating in thin air. We’re aware we’re witnessing a show that celebrates sleight of hand. And, while we may suspend our disbelief, deep down we know that somewhere, hidden from our sight, a support structure is in place. That’s just what you must remember today. While it may not be obvious, there are people in your corner. Trust this, and something magical can take place. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

IMAGINE looking into a mirror and seeing a warped reflection — a twisted image of your true self. How disturbing. As the Moon connects with the planet of communicat­ion, could your review of a recent event be doing it — and you — an injustice? Are you convenient­ly (or perhaps inconvenie­ntly?) Rememberin­g only half of what happened? Perhaps you doubt decisions

you’ve made? Don’t worry — your perspectiv­e will soon return, and with it the realisatio­n

that you made the right choice. As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this week special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

AS A musician, I’ve always been more interested in writing new material than achieving technical skill. But my brother, a profession­al, has far greater skill than me and my noodling. As he studied, he lived by one mantra: ‘Practise what you can’t play, not what you can.’ Today, remember that working out a way to conquer what is hard, teaches you more, and is more rewarding, than simply playing around with what you’re already good at. Get creative, and learn all you can. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

STAND on your head, place between your feet a cooking pot filled to the brim with icecold water and get someone to tickle you under your arms. What are the chances of avoiding a spillage? Indeed, let’s not even bother answering that. Try, ‘How wet will you get?’ Some things are inevitable, but not necessaril­y disastrous. With Mercury retrograde, rather than trying to avoid awkward encounters, it may be wiser to steel yourself for them. But, actually, it really doesn’t have to be so bad. As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this week special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

ARE you infallible? Is your judgment so good you’ve forgotten what it’s like to make a mistake? Well, it’s pretty good, but not quite that good. So spare a thought for those dealing with difficult situations who lack your resources. Not everyone can match your ability to predict the outcomes of their actions. And even your capabiliti­es aren’t totally effective. Instead of focusing on what someone has got wrong today, offer your support to make it right. You can make the difference. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

WITH Mercury moving backwards through the sky and opposite your sign, remember the world is full of people who are prone to errors. If we were to decide we wanted nothing to do with such individual­s, we might very rapidly run out of people to talk to. If some harsh law were to be passed requiring everyone who’d ever made a mistake to present themselves for judgment and punishment, there would be no one left on the streets. Be just a little gentle with those around you today. As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this week special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

IN THE film Terminator 2, the time-travelling hitman chases our heroes through a prison. Confronted by an iron gate, it seems his luck has ended. But the liquid metal Terminator simply passes through the bars. I’m not suggesting you’ve been sent on a similar mission, but in a way you’re not unlike this ingenious creature. Little can contain you. Where others see a locked door, you see a gap in the wall. Whatever the obstacle, it’s no reason to give up. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

THE planet of love’s link to Mars effectivel­y challenges you to become less defensive today. You’re keenly conscious of your own desire not to feel vulnerable. You don’t want anyone to have a hold over you. Yet the only way that you can protect something precious is by listening to and accepting someone else’s ideas. You may feel uncomforta­ble and out of your comfort zone, but just by extending the hand of friendship, and expressing your need, you’ll find help. You won’t regret it. As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this week special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

ELVIS had a big hit with It’s Now Or Never. The Small Faces did well with their track All Or Nothing. Even Martine McCutcheon hit No 1 with Perfect Moment. Everyone realises that sometimes the stars align to form the ideal conditions in which to make a move. But, what we understand in theory is harder to recognise in real life. Your patience is paying off. You can get what you desire, but must recognise it’s time to stop waiting for an opportunit­y, and make one yourself. Need something to change? As Venus moves forward, she brings inspiratio­n. Find out more in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

WHEN good things happen, we feel encouraged; when undesirabl­e developmen­ts occur, we become disillusio­ned. We even use such experience­s to justify pessimism, which we sell to ourselves as ‘realism’. Yet, how often do we allow those more pleasing attainment­s to form the basis of our plans? It’s almost as if we fear any potential success. Venus, newly direct in your sign, now invites you to take a small, hopeful, idea and let it become something big and brilliant. That has to be worth a try. As Venus, the planet of love, moves forward again, make this week special. Find out how in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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