Daily Mail

Did doctors do enough for Baby Charlie?


THE case of baby Charlie Gard is very sad, but don’t be unfair to Great ormond Street Hospital’s doctors. A friend is a professor there, and I know they do all they can for a child who has any chance of living and any quality of life. of cases where parents make doctors keep the child alive when they don’t think there is any hope, she says: ‘I wish they wouldn’t.’ She sees the suffering to child and parent. JULIA WERMIG-MORGAN, Bridport, Dorset.

ONE can only imagine the turmoil Charlie’s parents face. Hard as it might be, they need to decide if they are serving their needs or his in keeping him alive. Great Ormond Street strives to give children the best care possible. If they feel all has been done and do not want him to suffer, the High Court is right to back them. Charlie’s parents obviously love him very much. They’ve done all they can. Hard as it might be, they should let him go peacefully without guilt or regret. DIANE SILVA, Lytham, Lancs.

I WAS dismayed by Great ormond Street Hospital’s attitude towards Charlie Gard and applaud his parents for not wanting to give up on their precious son. The hospital treated our eight-year-old granddaugh­ter very badly. After seven weeks in a local hospital, she was sent to Great ormond Street where it was found she had a rare intestinal infection which, with the drugs she’d been given, had caused an anaphylact­ic shock. We consulted a paediatric­ian privately, who recommende­d a probiotic from the U.S., which eventually helped and stopped her pain. She was an outpatient for seven years, during which we usually faced awful rudeness when we questioned anything they did. our granddaugh­ter is now 23 and in very poor health as a result of this infection. JEAN BLANCHARD, South Benfleet, Essex.

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