Daily Mail

Now 12 MPs say they’re quitting troubled party


LABOUR’S exodus continued apace last night – with at least 12 MPs announcing they will not stand on June 8.

Among the most prominent was Mike Dugher, the MP for Barnsley East and Gordon Brown’s former chief political spokesman.

Mr Dugher has been one of Jeremy Corbyn’s most prominent critics, especially after he was sacked from the Shadow Cabinet last year.

Last night he hinted he was going because Mr Corbyn was not doing enough to gain the election victory needed to help the working classes.

He is the latest of a slew of Labour MPs who have told constituen­ts they will not fight the election, including former Home Secretary Alan Johnson and ex-Health Secretary Andy Burnham.

Gisela Stuart, the German-born MP for Birmingham Edgbaston who chaired the successful Vote Leave campaign, has also vowed to go. Last night there was confusion over whether Steve Rotheram, Labour’s candidate for mayor of Merseyside, was among those stepping down. If he does, the total rises to 13.

Mr Dugher served as Labour culture spokesman for four months under Mr Corbyn, despite having campaigned vociferous­ly for Mr Burnham to lead Labour.

But he was sacked in January 2016, apparently because the leader did not like an article he wrote for the New Statesman magazine.

Mr Dugher said: ‘I have always tried to fight for a Labour Party that is in touch with working-class people and one that can get into government, so we can actually do something to really help people.’

Shadow cabinet minister Dave Anderson, a former miner, said that at 63 he could not commit to five more years in the Commons. Slough MP Fiona Mactaggart also announced she will not stand.

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