Daily Mail

Calls to lower abortion limit as a third of babies born at 23 weeks live

And 62% survive at 24 weeks

- By Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspond­ent

‘Law must catch up with medical care’

THE number of babies who survive premature birth at 23 weeks has increased to a record one in three, official figures revealed yesterday.

The success treating babies who would until recently have been considered unlikely to live led to demands for a reduction in the limits set by abortion laws.

The increased survival rates suggest the law – which can permit abortion at up to 24 weeks – allows routine terminatio­n of hundreds of foetuses capable of a viable life.

The 23-week survival rate in England and Wales was 23 per cent in 2010 and fell to 20 per cent in 2011, but has since risen steadily.

Now child mortality figures from the Office for National Statistics show that in 2014 – the latest year for which data is available – 33 per cent of babies born at 23 weeks reached their first birthday. The chances of life for babies born at 24 weeks – on the legal limit for abortion – have also risen fast.

The ONS said 62 per cent born at this point in a pregnancy lived for at least a year. In 2010, just over half of babies born at 24 weeks reached their first birthday.

The new figures were hailed as a major success for medical staff and midwives and advances in technology and treatment. However, they come as the pro-choice lobby pushes for the removal of criminal sanctions against unlawful abortion, in effect abolishing the 24-week limit.

Leaders of the Royal College of Midwives have called for decriminal­isation, also a campaign objective of abortion providers such as the British Pregnancy Advisory Service and the aim of a Bill put before the Commons by Labour MP Diana Johnson.

But, hailing the latest figures yesterday, Fiona Bruce, Tory MP for Congleton and chairman of the All Party Parliament­ary Pro-Life Group, said they highlight ‘how shocking it is that our current law does not recognise the rights and immense value of a baby at that stage it its life’.

She added: ‘In the rest of Europe, the term limit for abortions is generally around 12 weeks, apart from exceptiona­l circumstan­ces. So at 20 weeks, a baby in France or Germany has more rights than a baby in the UK. This is not right.

‘Medical care has advanced and the law needs to catch up. Increasing­ly, these children can survive and live lives as fulfilled and valuable as any of us, and they should be given the chance to do so.’

Sally Carson, a midwife from Ches- ter who worked in the private health sector, said: ‘Women should be made aware that if they want a terminatio­n at 24 weeks, their baby is now viable. It is not a thing in them – it is a human being.’

In 2015, there were 185,824 abortions in England and Wales, with more than nine in ten carried out on women who were less than 12 weeks pregnant. But one in 50 involved a pregnancy of 20 weeks or longer – amounting to 3,700 in 2015.

Clare Murphy, of BPAS, said: ‘It is brilliant that with the right skills and interventi­ons more extremely premature babies can survive.

‘It would also be wonderful if we could celebrate these advances without demanding that we force women to carry pregnancie­s to term when they know it is not right to do so.’

But pro-life Labour MP Robert Flello said: ‘I think the public is behind a reduction in time limits and not abortion up to birth, which obviously is what decriminal­isation would open the door to.’

The MP for Stoke-on-Trent South added: ‘Those behind the move to decriminal­ise abortion are clear about their agenda – it is nothing to do with science, nothing to do with morality, it is simply a free-for-all.’

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