Daily Mail

Ephraim Hardcastle

- Email: peter.mckay@dailymail.co.uk

WHY wasn’t David Beckham, who was there, photograph­ed with Prince William when the latter invested Victoria Beckham with an OBE this week? He remains in the doghouse after his complaints about not being knighted were exposed in a leaked email in which he called the honours committee ‘unapprecia­tive c****,’ and added: ‘Unless it’s a knighthood, f*** off.’ FORMER Ukip MP Douglas Carswell, now standing down in Clacton, confirms he’ll be supporting the Conservati­ve candidate in the constituen­cy. Is this welcome? When he defected from the Tories to Ukip, in 2014 – causing a by-election – a Conservati­ve councillor told him: ‘I want to see your traitorous testicles nailed to Clacton pier.’ THE Queen celebrates her 91st birthday in low-key style today at Windsor Castle. Last year the Prince of Wales arranged a dinner, organised by his exvalet, Michael Fawcett, 55, pictured, for an undisclose­d fee. Fawcett left the prince’s staff in 2003 amid claims about selling official gifts but he returned on a freelance basis. Charles reportedly said: ‘I can manage without just about anyone except Michael.’ So might he become Master of the Household when Charles is King? ‘Yes, but the £129,000 salary might have to be increased,’ suggests my source. LIBERAL Democrat leader Tim Farron is worked up about Theresa May’s refusal to take part in televised leadership debates. Why does deeply annoying Tiny Tim presume he’d be invited onto one? Last time, the final debate featured only the leaders of the three main parties – David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Lib Dem Nick Clegg. But now Farron with his eight MPs is outranked by the 56-strong SNP’s Westminste­r leader, the silken, PM-baiting Angus Robertson. EDINBURGH hosts an American presidenti­al visit next month and Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, is reportedly ‘very excited’. Why so? Because it’s Barack Obama, not Donald Trump. Is Obama excited, too? His visit to the UK a year ago included a lunch with the Queen and Prince Philip at Windsor followed the same day by a private dinner with William, Kate and Harry, plus a meeting with Prince George in his pyjamas. DAVID Bowie’s former apartment on Central Park, Manhattan, for sale at £4.9million, is located in the Essex House Hotel, famous for a huge neon sign, which for a time intrigued US sailors on shore leave in New York. A fault left the first two letters of the name unlit. WHEN former president George W Bush engaged artist Gail Norfleet to teach him oil painting, he informed her: ‘Gail, there’s a Rembrandt trapped in this body. Your job is to liberate him.’ His subsequent paintings of wounded Iraq War veterans are highly praised. Even the usually hostile New York Times concedes that he’s ‘a surprising­ly adept artist who has dramatical­ly improved his technique while also doing penance for one of the greatest disasters in American history’. Mission accomplish­ed, Ms Norfleet.

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