Daily Mail

Parents’ fury at charity’s family fun day in aid of paedophile­s

They weren’t told money was for group rehabilita­ting sex offenders

- By Sian Boyle

parents have condemned organisers of a family fun day after they found out the money raised was for a charity that helps paedophile­s.

the event, which featured bouncy castles and face painting, was in aid of the safer Living Foundation, which works to rehabilita­te sex offenders.

It was held at Keyworth United’s football ground in nottingham­shire last weekend. But parents who took their children to enjoy the fun and games, which included an It’s a Knockout-style assault course, say they were not aware of where their money was going.

they said it was not made clear that the foundation works with people who are sexually attracted to children and teenagers. some claimed they would not have gone if they had known.

Grace Le sueur said: ‘as a parent I am disgusted that they didn’t make people aware of what the charity actually supported. Family fun days shouldn’t be about supporting such charities. I wish we had never gone. If I’d have known this I certainly wouldn’t have. I’m surprised they hosted it.’

Others expressed their anger on Facebook. amy Curson wrote: ‘It clearly states on their website that they do work on prevention but also that they try and rehabilita­te people who have already offended. I can’t believe that family fun days are allowed to support such charities. sex offenders of any sort shouldn’t be allowed to walk this planet let alone have families support them.’

Helen Joyce added: ‘I am disgusted at this, and so glad I didn’t go. I know victims of paedophili­a and they would be very offended by this. these people can ruin lives and the victims don’t get a second chance.’

However, others were more supportive, pointing out that the event was to raise funds to try to stop people reoffendin­g.

paul Heard wrote: ‘this charity isn’t set up in any way to benefit paedophile­s, more to minimalise any further reoffendin­g and keep communitie­s safer. surely we need charities like this to help protect innocent people from monsters?’ Clare Limon said: ‘I’m not just going to sit back and be a party to a witch-hunt and slagging off of a fun day that people will have put much effort into for a reputable and well-known charity.’

participan­ts in the safer Living Foundation include nottingham trent University, police, a prison and the probation service. It aims to prevent sexual offences and rehabilita­te offenders.

Its website states: ‘We work with many individual­s who are at risk of sexual offending or who have been convicted of a sexual offence. these include those that have intellectu­al disability, are elderly, have very little or no support and/or who are sexually attracted to children and/or adolescent­s.’

professor Belinda Winder, cofounder of the foundation, who is head of the sexual offences, crime

‘These people can ruin lives’

and misconduct research unit at nottingham trent University, said: ‘the safer Living Foundation works to reduce the number of victims of sexual abuse.

‘the charity supports the rehabilita­tion and treatment of sexual offenders to reduce the likelihood of them ever reoffendin­g. the money from the family fun day will go towards a project which will seek to provide psychologi­cal treatment to those who have never committed a sexual offence but are concerned they may do.

‘ It was made clear that the money raised was going to the safer Living Foundation, but we’re sorry that some people weren’t aware of the charity’s aims. We work to protect children, adults and communitie­s because we know that sexual abuse destroys lives and devastates families.’

 ??  ?? Innocent fun: Families take part in a game at the event. Right: The fun day poster with charity logo (circled)
Innocent fun: Families take part in a game at the event. Right: The fun day poster with charity logo (circled)

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