Daily Mail


- LITTLEJOHN richard.littlejohn@dailymail.co.uk

Mother theresa is warning that Britain will be run by a ‘coalition of chaos’ unless the tories are returned with a thumping majority in June. Wee Burney is plotting a grand ‘progressiv­e alliance’ with Labour, the Lib Dems and the other fringe parties.

Quite why anybody outside scotland takes any notice of what the sNP leader says is a mystery to me. she’s not even standing for election, yet the broadcaste­rs are determined to report her every cough and spit as if carved on tablets of stone.

still, each time this tiresome woman opens her mouth, voters elsewhere in the Kingdom run a mile. so perhaps the more we see of sturgeon, the better.

It certainly worked last time, when Britain recoiled from the prospect of a Miliband Labour government, propped up by the toytown tartanista­s.

theresa obviously thinks that raising the spectre of a Left-wing rainbow alliance is a home banker. that’s why she’s wise to steer clear of the tV debates.

Who can forget the 2015 line-up, with Call Me Dave perched on the end of a gruesome gallery of gobby wannabes, from Wee Burney to that gormless bird from the Welsh Nationalis­ts — who always reminds me of Myfanwy, the barmaid in Little Britain’s only Gay In the Village sketch?

It looked like a political version of the Weakest Link. and so it proved. at the election, Myfanwy only managed to come fourth — in Wales. Goodbye. the chances of the sNP, Labour and the rest winning enough seats between them to form a majority in the Commons is pretty remote.

But stranger things have happened. and I remain to be convinced the tories’ huge lead in the opinion polls will translate into the kind of victory everyone is predicting. they could well lose almost as many seats as they win.

so maybe we should suspend disbelief and wonder what a ‘progressiv­e alliance’ government would look like. to be honest, the idea of a ‘coalition of chaos’ has a perverse appeal. I’d certainly have plenty to write about.

the last coalition between the tories and the Lib Dems was chaotic enough. Can you imagine Corbyn, the sNP, the Greens, the Lib Dems and the Welsh Nats finding enough common ground to form a government?

In the event of the Conservati­ves falling short of a majority on June 8, who would her Maj send for?

Jeremy Corbyn? he’s a staunch republican, so he might refuse to kiss the monarch’s ring. TINy

tim Farron? I don’t think so. there’s still a question mark over whether the other members of the ‘ progressiv­e alliance’ would give tiny tim houseroom, since they consider his devout Christiani­ty and traditiona­l views on gay marriage abhorrent.

that leaves the Braveheart brigade. But Wee Burney isn’t even a member of the Westminste­r Parliament. I suppose the sNP could always engineer a by-election in Craiglang to create a seat for her. But she seems more keen on becoming Queen of scots than moving into 10 Downing street.

Perhaps every member of the progressiv­e alliance could turn up at the Palace. so we could see Corbyn and the rest falling over each other in the Mall to secure pole position. Woe betide anyone who gets between Diane abbott and the Buck house buffet table.

the obvious solution, of course, would be to turn the office of Prime Minister into a job- share. that would at least give Corbyn every other Wednesday off to tend his allotment.

Can you imagine the subsequent press conference in the rose Garden at No 10? they’d have to send out for more lecterns. If the 2010 Call Me Dave/Nick Clegg love-in smacked of Brokeback Mountain, the ‘coalition of chaos’ photocall would look more like the flight deck of the starship enterprise. Beam me up, scotty.

even if they could sort out whose turn it was to be PM, imagine their programme for government. For a start, taxes will go through the roof. Labour thinks everyone earning more than £70,000 a year is up there with Philip Green and should be taxed until the pips squeak.

they won’t get an argument from any of their coalition partners.

Brexit might be a little bit more tricky, since the Lib Dems, the Greens and the sNP all want to stay in the eU. Labour say they will honour the result of the referendum, but they don’t mean it.

there could be a bogus Call Me Dave- style ‘ renegotiat­ion’ which delivers precisely nothing, but allows them to present a ‘ soft’ Brexit deal, which effectivel­y keeps us in europe on the same terms.

None of the coalition partners would dream of imposing any limit on immigratio­n from europe, or anywhere else for that matter. Immigratio­n would rocket. and forget about defence and security.

trident will be scrapped, Britain withdraws from Nato and hezbollah is invited to open an embassy in London. an amnesty is extended to all British jihadists returning from fighting with IsIs in syria. Come remembranc­e sunday, Corbyn unveils a statue of Martin McGuinness in Parliament square, replacing Winston Churchill. Gerry adams is invited to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph to honour Ira terrorists killed by British soldiers.

on the domestic front, forget about an expansion of grammar schools. Progressiv­es will shut down those that remain, along with all free schools and academies. Welfare spending will go up.

they’d have no problem agreeing a policy on transgende­r toilets, or making the whole country a nosmoking zone. the railways will be renational­ised and the rMt union put in charge. so services will be even worse than they are — that’s if the trains ever run at all.

Cars will be banned and every road, including motorways, would be turned into cycle lanes. ALL

existing power stations are to be closed and replaced by windmills. Plans for new gas and nuclear electricit­y generating plants are abandoned, plunging the country into an immediate energy crisis. If Corbyn is elected, the last person to leave Britain won’t have to bother turning off the lights. you’ll need a candle to find your way to the airport.

Just hope you make your flight before air travel is banned.

that’s the bad news. the good news is that scotland would finally become independen­t, followed by Wales and a United Ireland.

the way would then be clear for england, too, to take charge of her own destiny. at the next election, Labour, the Lib Dems and the Greens are wiped out.

Never mind Brexit, here comes exit. england declares UDI from the eU, in line with the wishes of the overwhelmi­ng 2016 Leave vote, and sets about becoming a dynamic, low-tax, low-regulation, outward-looking global trading nation — in control of our own borders and laws.

No more truculent tartanista­s, seventies socialist throwbacks, Welsh whingers or back-to-thestone-age polar bear-huggers. that’s what I call progressiv­e. Coalition of chaos? Bring it on!

 ??  ?? A CouPle of years ago i brought you news of a fight at a Manchester railway station between a gang of football hooligans and a stag party dressed as Where’s Wally? This week a court heard of another brawl, this time at Manchester Piccadilly station,...
A CouPle of years ago i brought you news of a fight at a Manchester railway station between a gang of football hooligans and a stag party dressed as Where’s Wally? This week a court heard of another brawl, this time at Manchester Piccadilly station,...
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