Daily Mail

One diet fizzy drink a day raises risk of stroke and dementia

- By Sophie Borland Health Editor

AdULTS who down diet drinks each day are at three times the risk of stroke or dementia, according to research out today.

The study of almost 4,400 adults also suggests that sugary beverages have no such link to ill health.

The scientists involved believe artificial sweeteners including aspartame and saccharine may affect blood vessels, eventually triggering strokes and dementia. No cause and effect was shown however.

The study, which covered a period of ten years, was carried out by the Boston University School of Medicine.

‘It shows a need to put more research into this area given how often people drink artificial­ly sweetened beverages,’ said Matthew Pase, senior fellow in the department of neurology.

‘Although we did not find an associatio­n between stroke or dementia and the consumptio­n of sugary drinks, this certainly does not mean they are a healthy option.

‘We recommend that people drink water on a regular basis instead of sug- ary or artificial­ly sweetened beverages.

‘In our study, 3 per cent of the people had a new stroke and 5 per cent developed dementia, so we’re still talking about a small number of people developing either stroke or dementia.’

For the study – published in the American Heart Associatio­n’s journal Stroke – researcher­s looked at 4,372 adults over the age of 45.

The results showed that adults who had one or more diet drink a day were 2.9 times more likely to develop dementia and 3 times more at risk of strokes than those who drank virtually none at all.

Researcher­s at Imperial College London reported in January that diet drinks were no better at aiding weight loss than sugary options. The authors suggested that the products were encouragin­g obesity by triggering sugar receptors in the brain, making us crave sweet food.

Rachel Johnson, a professor of nutrition at the University of Vermont, said: ‘Limiting added sugars is an important strategy to support good nutrition and healthy body weights, and until we know more, people should use artificial­ly sweetened drinks cautiously.

‘They may have a role for people with diabetes and in weight loss, but we encourage people to drink water, low-fat milk or other beverages without added sweeteners.’

The researcher­s are still not sure whether diet drinks are causing strokes or dementia – or whether those who consume them are at higher risk anyway.

Previous studies have shown they tend to be consumed by adults who are already overweight or obese. dr Rosa Sancho, of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: ‘As people are becoming more aware of the consequenc­es of a high-sugar diet, many are turning to artificial­ly- sweetened diet fizzy drinks as an alternativ­e to those with lots of sugar. ‘This interestin­g new study has pointed to higher rates of dementia in people who drink more artificial­ly- sweetened drinks, but it doesn’t show that these drinks are the cause of this altered risk. ‘Future studies will need to confirm these findings in other groups of people, and explore what might be underlying any link between artificial­ly-sweetened soft drinks and dementia.’

Gavin Partington of the British Soft drinks Associatio­n said: ‘despite their claims, the authors of this observatio­nal study admit they found no cause and effect and provide no science-based evidence whatsoever to support their theories.

‘In fact, based on the evidence, Public Health England is actively encouragin­g food and drink companies to use low-calorie sweeteners as an alternativ­e to sugar and help people manage their weight.

‘We should be trying to help consumers reduce their calorie intake, not presenting unproven claims.’

‘We recommend people drink water’

 ??  ?? Unhealthy? Diet drinks have been linked to obesity
Unhealthy? Diet drinks have been linked to obesity

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