Daily Mail

The teenager he scarred for life


JADE Edgington was just 16 and studying for her A-levels when she found a lump in her breast. She was introduced to Paterson at the Spire Hospital and, by the time she was 19, had had four invasive operations.

She later learned at least three were unnecessar­y because the lumps were not even at risk of becoming cancerous.

‘We thought he’s the expert, he knows what he’s doing,’ she told BBC News. ‘Why put us all through that? You feel almost violated – essentiall­y, someone has stuck a knife in me unnecessar­ily.’

Miss Edgington, who is now 8 and a bank worker, said the operations have scarred her for life. She said a patient recall ended with another doctor telling her they might not have taken out the first lump ‘and the other three operations did not need to happen because I was so young’.

 ??  ?? Victim: Jade Edgington
Victim: Jade Edgington

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