Daily Mail

AND FINALLY The pillars on which I build my life


LAST week I wrote about embracing change: never saying ‘never’ (as in ‘I’d never vote Tory’) or ‘always’ (as in ‘I always go for tall men’) because such intransige­nce can drasticall­y limit life.

After all, when huge changes hit us (from children leaving home to divorce and bereavemen­t) we’re arguably more able to survive the dark days if we see life as fluid, not fixed.

But having said that, I started to think about the constants: those aspects which remain steady — despite shifts embraced by the creative and flexible mind.

Last week, I told of changes in terms of politics, religion and lifestyle (town versus country). This week I’m thinking of the constants that define me. You might agree with a couple of these . . .

FAMILY: I’m all too aware that home life can be a nightmare; my own (since childhood) has had a good share of complicati­ons . . . but I still believe the family is the bedrock. Oh, and if you want kids, why not show commitment and get married?

EDUCATION: Traditiona­l, rigorous high standards, respect for teachers, discipline (in teachers as well as pupils), really hard work . . . it’s how it was in the state system in the Fifties and early Sixties, and I’m grateful.

THE ARTS: Since childhood I’ve loved painting, drawing, writing and (although I don’t play an instrument) music. These things, plus dance, nurture the human spirit — and should be open to every child. But let them be critical, too — and not buy fatuous theories that Damien Hirst can be equated to Leonardo da Vinci.

CULTURE: By this I mean the broad beliefs and ways of living that shape a nation. In spite of the way our society has shifted (too far), I’m passionate­ly proud of this as a Christian culture and a monarchy, as well as a parliament­ary democracy.

Those are my precious barricades — to be defended.

BEl answers readers’ questions on emotional and relationsh­ip problems each week. Write to Bel Mooney, Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, london W8 5TT, or email bel.mooney@dailymail.co.uk. a pseudonym will be used if you wish. Bel reads all letters but regrets she cannot enter into personal correspond­ence.

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