Daily Mail




Clematis which has flowered this spring will soon be over for the year. slow-growing varieties such as C. macropetal­a and C. alpina won’t need pruning unless they’ve grown beyond their allotted space.

But, if you need to control strong growers such as C. montana or evergreen C. armandii, prune them as soon as the last flowers fade.

Remove all unwanted stems, cutting them back as hard as you like. Remember always to snip just above a healthy bud.

stems of C. armandii can be cut to ground level each spring, but only if the plants are healthy and in good soil. the resulting new shoots should be evenly arranged and tied in as they extend. Next year’s flowers will develop shoots during the coming months. so train them to create an even cover over the wall or trellis.

modestly growing spring varieties such as C. macrop

etala and C. alpina only need light pruning to keep them within their allocated spaces.

While you have clematis in mind, check up on summer blooming varieties. if you have those climbing through host plants or blending with climbing roses, make sure the developing stems are secured.

Where summer clematis grow on walls or trellis, don’t be afraid to shorten overlength stems to encourage later side- shoots. With strong-growing varieties of

C. viticella and C. x jackmanii a light secondary prune can extend flowering.

 ?? S E G A M I D L R O W N E D R A G / Y M A L : e r u t c i P ??
S E G A M I D L R O W N E D R A G / Y M A L : e r u t c i P

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