Daily Mail

Jail for girl warder who sent racy shots of herself to killer

- By James Tozer

‘Terry’s Chocolate Orange recovered’

A PRISON officer whose affair with a murderer was exposed when she was caught smuggling racy pictures of herself into jail wept as she was put behind bars yesterday.

Kiah Andrusjak, 23, a former Royal Navy sailor, became infatuated with Shane Boyd, 24, after he stood up for her when she felt threatened by other prisoners, a court heard.

He is serving a life sentence for stabbing a 16-year- old student to death in a petty argument at a party over an Xbox console.

They began a six-month relationsh­ip during which they swapped up to 600 text messages using an unauthoris­ed mobile phone Boyd kept hidden in his cell.

Last Christmas he even arranged for his sister to give Andrusjak a card containing £150 in cash at a meeting in a Nando’s restaurant.

Yesterday Andrusjak broke down as she was jailed for eight months after admitting misconduct in a public office. It is thought she will be held at Styal women’s jail in Cheshire, ten miles from Boyd who is an inmate at Manchester Prison.

They met in March in the canteen where he smiled at her and she smiled back, Manchester Crown Court was told. She was in the Navy for five years from the age of 16 before completing a tenweek training course.

But last December, jail authoritie­s received three allegation­s that Boyd was in a relationsh­ip with a member of staff, the court heard.

Maria Brennan, prosecut-

Andrusjak: She betrayed trust said the judge ing, said one named Andrusa Terry’s Chocolate Orange jak who was called into a and a further eight photos.’ meeting with senior staff. More than 200 texts were

‘She was searched and on found suggesting an ‘intense her a packet of cigarettes romantic relationsh­ip’, it was were found and an envelope said. The total number was containing nine photos, six thought to exceed 600. featuring the defendant in Andrusjak, of Hindley her underwear and photos of Green, Wigan, confessed her stuck next to a picture of Boyd was her boyfriend, him,’ said Miss Brennan. saying the relationsh­ip had

‘Her iPhone was seized and begun the previous June. items were recovered such as In mitigation, Alex Leach said his ‘ young, immature and naïve’ client felt ‘groomed’. She had shown remorse and had not smuggled in items such as drugs or SIM cards, he added.

But Judge David Stockdale QC told Andrusjak she had been ‘complicit’ in Boyd’s illicit possession of a mobile phone. She also knew the liaison, which could have undermined security at the jail, was ‘illicit’, he added.

‘Your betrayal of the trust placed in you as a serving prison officer can only be punished with a custodial sentence,’ said the judge.

Boyd was just 16 when he killed Conor Black outside a house party in Manchester before going back in to brag about it. He was ordered to serve at least 11 years.

In prison, Boyd has posted photograph­s of himself grinning on Facebook and issued threats of revenge, apparently using an illegal phone. He has also been discipline­d for multiple incidents of fighting and assault.

 ??  ?? Boyd: Murdered teenager
Boyd: Murdered teenager

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