Daily Mail



Is one date enough to let the spark develop? our Dating Doctor, Alana Kirk, a single mother of three and a midlife dater herself, asks: can we be too quick to judge? IN THIS age of instant gratificat­ion, we are given to make decisions on the spur of the moment. Internet dating means potential life partners can be decided in a flippant click or a swipe. But are we swiping away potential? Is that the right approach for love?

Meeting a date for the first time can be complicate­d and stressful. We bring so many hopes and so much history with us that it can be hard to separate your own past experience­s and expectatio­ns from the other person standing before you. How do we manage expectatio­n and emotions, but also give the date a chance?

Dating requires courage and vulnerabil­ity. Taking that risk to shrug off the ‘I’m perfectly happy being single’ mask takes strength, especially when we have suffered heartbreak. We make huge assumption­s about people based on our previous experience­s, yet we have never met this person before.

Remember that we can be too hasty in a first date scenario. How different it is to meeting someone in a work or friendship setting where affection develops over time. Yet we are expected to make these judgments over a two-hour dinner? And remember, if someone does make a hasty decision, it is most likely about their own history rather than the thought of a future with you.

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