Daily Mail

Pity the poor hubby who longs for a juicy steak!



AS A CHILD brought up by a family with a classic hunting-shooting-fishing background, I was taught that a meal without meat wasn’t a proper meal.

So I was perplexed when I saw my wife and children weeping over videos of calves being separated from their mothers. I know that it would make them happy if I gave up my carnivore ways. But for me, meat is one of life’s great pleasures.

As I am the main cook in the family, I can now summon up an impressive lentil dhal and chickpea curry. But secretly I fantasise about a plate of barbecued lamb, slightly charred on the outside and succulent on the inside. And no vegan dish I’ve tasted comes close to Christmas turkey with all the trimmings. Last year, we made do with nut roast.

If I went vegan, I’d also have to consign most of the recipe books I’ve collected to the bin. It would be like parting with dear friends.

Mainly, though, I just find vegan food a bit . . . dull. I suspect no one secretly agrees with me more than my family. But it’s a pleasure they are prepared to give up because they value animal lives more highly.

We’ve given up discussing veganism with my side of the family because it usually ends in a row. One person’s Christian beliefs that animals were put on earth by God to be eaten by Man will never meet any agreement from my wife and children. But it is hard to argue against the health benefits.

As someone who has suffered from high cholestero­l, it’s likely my wife will have me around a lot longer now I only eat milk, cheese and eggs a couple of times a week. And I am impressed by the studies showing that vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can reverse heart disease in a way no drug can.

I eat vegan when I’m at home because I don’t want to cook two meals. I eat meat, eggs and dairy when I’m out, or when we have carnivores over.

In the long run I suspect that my children are right. I’m just taking my time getting used to the inevitable.

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