Daily Mail

Phil Collins’s girl: Dad didn’t help my career


Actress Lily Collins boasts that she has made her own way in her acting career — without any help at all from her famous father, Genesis drummer and singersong­writer Phil Collins.

‘He’s really supportive of my career but he’s never helped me with it,’ Lily, 28, is keen to reveal.

‘He never made a call to anyone — not a producer, director, a casting agent, an agent — to say “Meet my daughter”.

‘I never asked him to because I didn’t want to get an audition because I was “the daughter of”. and I never did and I’m very proud of that.”

Meanwhile, she adds: ‘I don’t see him as “Phil Collins”, I just see him as Dad and I’m a proud daughter. there are so many things about him that aren’t talked about, things he’s interested in — hobbies and pastimes — he’s amazing.

‘He’s one of the world’s experts on the [Battle of] alamo.’

Despite her protestati­ons about making it on her own, Lily — Phil’s daughter with his second wife, american actress Jill tavelman — in fact started her acting career when she was just two years old, in the BBC drama series Growing Pains. Lily played the part of little abigail in a foster home. no doubt she got that audition all on her own merits.

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