Daily Mail


How DO you trace your family 70 years after you’ve been abandoned as a newborn baby? Find a very hi-tech sleuth — and prepare for an extraordin­ary discovery ...

- by Kathryn Knight

THE smartly- dressed lady tightly clasping her tiny baby on a street near London’s King’s Cross towards the end of World War II looked the epitome of middleclas­s respectabi­lity.

Her baby was just two weeks old, and as she seemed agitated, a kindly resident offered her water for her newborn daughter and a cup of tea. As she sipped her tea she explained that she was waiting for her husband to arrive on the train from Edinburgh. He’d asked her, she said, to book a hotel for them. At this point, the Good Samaritan offered to mind the now sleeping baby for a few minutes while she made the necessary arrangemen­ts. The mother thanked her for her kindness, handed over her baby, and said she’d return promptly. She never did. In fact, she vanished, leaving the baby to be taken into care and later adopted. She was given the name Linda.

With no clue to her mother’s identity, Linda, now 72, believed she was destined to never know who her birth parents were. Until now.

Step forward Julia Bell, 47, a selfstyled ‘DNA detective’ who has not only discovered Linda’s father was an American GI in the bomber squadron, but believes she might have found her birth mother, too.

As a result, Linda has found a half brother and sister in the UK — with whom she has enjoyed a reunion.

She is one of dozens who Julia has helped to trace long-lost relatives.

Many are the descendant­s of American soldiers stationed in the UK during the war, who left local girls in a spot of bother. Others are the product of decades-old mysteries, including the case of a baby boy abandoned in a Birmingham cinema in 1956 who today has also been united with half- siblings he never knew he had.

The key to unlocking the puzzles came with a simple saliva test, from which their DNA profile was taken and compared to millions stored on databases all over the world.

From there, Julia used her years of expertise to sift through data looking for patterns and possible matches.

‘Advances in DNA testing mean databases can reveal even very distant matches,’ she explains. ‘If you have a close match such as a half sibling it’s quite straightfo­rward but the difficulty comes when there are a series of more distant matches. You need someone who knows how to interpret everything that’s there.’ AND

that’s what Julia, a former teacher, with no background in genetics, has become expert at. It’s painstakin­g work, but she doesn’t charge private clients. She says helping people find a missing part in their family jigsaw is reward enough.

‘It brings about an amazing sense of completion for people who have been waiting their whole lives to find out who they really are,’ she says. ‘I feel very strongly that people have a right to know where they come from.’

It has a deeply personal resonance for Julia, who lives in Ascot with her husband Ian, who works in pharmaceut­icals, and their daughters Imogen, 12, and 11-year-old Isadora.

Her own mother, Helen, now 71, was adopted just after World War II. Even as a young girl, Julia remembers reassuring her mother she would help her to find her birth parents one day.

‘Mum had been adopted by a nice middle- class couple as a baby,’ explains Julia. ‘She only knew that her father was a U.S. serviceman.’ Helen’s adoption file shed a little more light on the matter. ‘In it was a letter from her birth mother, my grandmothe­r — Margaret — who explained how she had met Helen’s father at a party in March 1945.

‘She was only 21, the only child of very Victorian parents, and very naive. Then suddenly here is this handsome GI looking like a film star,’ says Julia. ‘She said he was called Arthur Revers, that he was 26 and she described him as having “fair hair, on the sandy side”.’

After a short romance he’d returned to America, leaving Margaret scandalous­ly ‘with child’.

‘Later I discovered he had a different surname, jet-black hair, and was only 19, so you have to wonder if she was protecting him.’

Intrigued by the letter, Julia, who was a teenager at the time, joined support groups for the children of American GIs, and spent years liaising with America’s National Personnel Records Centre in Missouri looking for Arthur Revers, and poring over the resulting paperwork.

‘This was pre-internet, so everything was done by snail mail. I had a line of filing cabinets just filled with paperwork,’ she says.

At first, she fared no better tracing Margaret, her grandmothe­r.


the trail apparently cold, Julia despaired of ever helping her mother — especially when, in the early Noughties, she managed to track down Margaret via birth and marriage records, only to discover she had died in 2000 aged 76. She’d had no more children. ‘I thought that was quite poignant,’ says Julia.

Then in 2013 came a breakthrou­gh: a new website called Ancestry DNA that allowed you to compare your DNA to that of approximat­ely four million others on there — all curious strangers, tracing their family tree.

‘Unlike previous DNA tests, which only showed a direct genetic link to, say, a sibling, this one could link you to distant cousins,’ Julia explains. ‘I knew it was worth a try.’ Julia uploaded her mother’s DNA via a saliva sample provided by the site — and found a number of matches. ‘She was linked to a number of families. I saw the name Garrett featured a lot,’ she says.

Months of detective work followed, until the trail led to an Arthur Garrett Junior, an ex- soldier from Arizona. ‘He wasn’t a Revers, but in my gut I knew he was the man,’ says Julia.

‘He’d also been in the same part of the UK as my grandmothe­r at the right time.’

Arthur Garrett Junior died in 2009, but he’d had two other children, Faye and Ralph — who agreed to a DNA test, which revealed he was Helen’s half-sibling. ‘So Arthur was her father and my grandfathe­r,’ says Julia.

Arthur married again and had two more sons, called Dallas and Mike. In November 2016, Helen and Julia travelled to North Carolina for an emotional meeting with the U.S. branch of their new family.

‘It was very emotional for Mum,’ says Julia. ‘They all said my mother favours her father more than any of them — the same mannerisms, expression­s. She’s now in regular contact with her siblings.’

That success spurred Julia to try to help others, and she is now contacted regularly by people desperate to find long-lost relatives. ‘As an adoptee in

the UK you can find something about your birth mother when you grow up, but if you are a foundling there is a giant hole where all the informatio­n should be — you don’t know your birthday, your surname, anything. It’s hard for people,’ says Julia.

One such person was greatgrand­mother Linda Wright.

When Linda contacted Julia last year she was struck by the mystery. ‘A hatted, gloved, middle- class woman who walks onto the equivalent of a housing estate, leaves her baby and just vanishes,’ she says. ‘It’s extraordin­ary.’

After taking a sample of Linda’s saliva, months of wading through DNA records led to Carl Durnen, a U. S. serviceman — who was married to an English girl with a baby about the same age as Linda.

Carl had gone AWOL in June 1944, when Linda was conceived.

‘It seems he had a girl in two ports, as it were, one of them Linda’s mother,’ Julia says, wryly.

‘It was a period when many didn’t think they would survive, so social mores were different.’

A DNA test of Clyde, one of Carl’s two children, confirmed Julia’s beliefs — he was Linda’s half-brother.

Carl died in 1993, but Linda, who lives in Essex, has been welcomed into the extended Durnen family, who had no idea of her existence.

‘It’s been wonderful for Linda, who has a renewed sense of belonging,’ says Julia, who now believes she is ‘steps away’ from establishi­ng the identity of Linda’s birth mother. ‘It makes all the hours of wading through paperwork worthwhile.’

Another success story is that of Robert Weston, who in 1957 was abandoned as a three-week- old baby in a Birmingham cinema toilet cubicle, his head resting on a cushion. While Robert, a former teacher, had been adopted by a pair of caring publicans and enjoyed a happy childhood, like so many of those who get in touch with Julia, he had also spent his entire life yearning to solve the mystery of his abandonmen­t.

Julia is yet to identify his mother, but her detective work led her to Tommy Chalmers, a security worker from Moray in Scotland, 450 miles north of the spot where Robert was left as a baby. Tommy agreed to a DNA test through the Ancestry database and the results showed he and Robert were indeed half- brothers. A joyful reunion with Tommy, and Tommy’s sister Pat McBain — Robert’s half-sister — followed.

They were able to tell him that their father Charlie was from Aberdeensh­ire and they believed he had moved to the Coventry area for work and met Rob’s mother.

CHARLIE died in 1997, and afterwards a letter was found from an unnamed woman telling him she could not afford to bring up two children — meaning Robert may have a full brother or sister, too.

Julia is also working with Anthea Ring, who was found on the South Downs in Sussex as a nine-monthold baby in August 1937. her hands had been tied behind her back with fabric torn from her dress.

Anthea is now 81, and Julia believes she is ‘close’ to finding out who her mother was. ‘I am determined to bring Anthea the closure she desperatel­y wants,’ she says.

Julia says she is often surprised by the similariti­es that crop up between people who’ve been raised miles — or even continents — apart, but who share DNA.

‘Two unknown close cousins I matched turned out both to be astrophysi­cists,’ she says. ‘In some cases people’s immediate family are nothing like them but there is this hitherto unknown branch where there is this natural similarity.’

There is the possibilit­y of a notso happy ending, but, says Julia, ‘even if people are upset by the truth, they come to terms with it. People always prefer knowing.’

She believes the families of missing children — such as Madeleine McCann’s parents — should upload their DNA onto every website available in case, one day, a lost child goes looking for them.

There is an intriguing postscript to Julia’s own family history. A couple of years ago, one of Arthur Garrett’s nieces sent her a video made in 2005. ‘In it he talks about meeting my grandmothe­r and says she was a very good friend to him, it was very touching,’ Julia recalls.

‘At the end he says: “That’s my whole story — as far as I know.’’ So I wonder if he knew there might have been a baby as a result of their night together.

‘One reason I want to do this is the sense of completion it brings,’ she says. ‘Mum was very happy with the parents and the sister she had, but something was missing.

‘The sense of belonging it has brought her is really special.’ juliabelld­na.co.uk

 ??  ?? On the case: Julia Bell
On the case: Julia Bell
 ??  ?? Lost and found: Linda Wright, with a copy of the paper that told of her abandonmen­t, and above, her father, GI Carl Durnen
Lost and found: Linda Wright, with a copy of the paper that told of her abandonmen­t, and above, her father, GI Carl Durnen
 ??  ??

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