Daily Mail


...and why her favourites were fake!

- By Sarah Rainey

One thing Diana, Princess of Wales, disliked, despite her initial ‘Shy Di’ moniker, was blending in. And what better way to reflect her vibrant, colourful character than adorning herself in gemstones of every hue?

From enchanting emeralds to ravishing rubies and aquamarine­s, Diana owned a rainbow of gems set in dazzling choker necklaces, bracelets, rings and chandelier earrings.

It’s not easy to wear colourful stones, but she was unafraid to experiment, often mixing metals and wearing clashing colours, pairing emerald necklaces with coral rings, or onyx earrings with bracelets made of rose quartz.

But not all of Diana’s jewels were entirely what they seemed. For she often wore cheap trinkets — and relished fooling royal-watchers into thinking they were priceless heirlooms.

‘It’s more sensible for someone who’s only 25 to do so,’ she once said. Her glitzy paste jewellery was not only fashionabl­e, it was fun — and she often scoured Press reports to see if anyone had been able to tell the difference.

She laughed when fashionist­as went wild over a pair of crescent-shaped ‘diamond’ pendant earrings she wore in Saudi Arabia in 1986, assuming they were an expensive gift from her host, King Khalid. She had, in fact, picked them up at Butler & Wilson for less than £25.

Gemstones appealed to Diana’s playful personalit­y, set off her outfits — and made for some of her most memorable looks.

 ??  ?? Unreal: Diana dons costume pearls on a trip to Italy in 985Picture research: Claire Cisotti
Unreal: Diana dons costume pearls on a trip to Italy in 985Picture research: Claire Cisotti

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