Daily Mail

Mockery of democracy


PROTOCOL dictates that an elected head of government must bow or curtsy to our unelected head of state (Letters).

The same respect must be given to all royals, irrespecti­ve of pecking order. When William and Kate greeted the Prime Minister at the Passchenda­ele commemorat­ions, Mrs May had to simultaneo­usly clasp the Prince’s hand and curtsy.

The privileged Cambridges looked down at the elected leader in the degrading position of bent knees with one foot behind the other.

To take their seat in Westminste­r, every MP must swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen. Overwhelmi­ng public support shown in a general election counts for nothing, which makes a mockery of democracy. That’s why I’d rather be a citizen than a subject. JAMeS HAMiLTON,

Bracknell, Berks.

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