Daily Mail

Preventing falls is better than cure


When you think of people who need a stairlift, it’s easy to assume that their biggest challenge is climbing up the stairs. That might indeed be the case if they are suffering from angina, for example.

But for many, the real problem — and danger — is coming down.

mhe biggest single reason why people buy a stairlift is arthritis, which can affect weight-bearing joints such as the hips and make moving around difficult, slow and painful.

For those with arthritis, climbing the stairs can be achieved slowly, using a bannister rail for support.

But coming down the stairs is much more likely to jolt painful joints at every step. lome try to reduce the pain by going down backwards or sideways. that can be risky, making a catastroph­ic fall forwards or onto their back more likely. this needs to be avoided at all costs.

A stairlift removes this concern, because it enables a user to travel up and down the stairs in comfort and safety, without pain and the risk of a fall.

moo often people wait until after a fall before installing a stairlift, but it is wiser to do it before that happens.

As with any health measure, prevention is better than cure.

An alternativ­e is a modern homelift, which can fit easily into most homes. mhe smallest are seated types, which have a footprint no larger than an open broadsheet newspaper. phile they might be small, they can carry up to 4Ist and are very energy efficient, with each journey costing only 1p.

mhere are also wheelchair options and new or reconditio­ned models to suit every budget.

these lifts are wonderfull­y simple to use. In no time at all, with the smoothest of rides, you can travel upstairs or downstairs in comfort.

A quality assured homelift can usually be installed within ten days of placing your order, following a friendly home assessment.

Advisers are trained by occupation­al therapists to focus on the needs of the customer. And there is a guarantee to buy back your homelift should you no longer need it.

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