Daily Mail

MISSING . . . and FOUND!

THE DAILY MAIL offers readers a unique opportunit­y to re-establish contact with long-lost relatives and friends. Each week, MONICA PORTER features the story of someone trying to find a missing loved one, as well as a tale of people reunited. This column i


‘LAST year, I managed to track down a friend I had not seen for more than 30 years,’ writes Susan Parry, of Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordsh­ire.

‘Her name is Regina, and we worked together in the travel business in Greece for six years in the Seventies.

‘ I went to visit her in Hamburg last year and we really enjoyed reminiscin­g about our time in Athens.

‘Now we would love to trace a friend from 40 years ago. His name is Peter Bailey and he was Regina’s boyfriend for a while.

‘He lived in Ruislip Gardens, near London, had studied mathematic­s at college in Brighton, played the guitar and sang very well. I met him at a dance in London in 1965 and we used to go to restaurant­s and pubs.

‘I believe he had an older sister called Wendy. Some time in the Seventies, he rode his motorbike all the way to Hamburg.

‘ We kept in touch for a while by letter, but then — what with all our travels — we lost touch. Once, in the late Eighties, when I was on holiday in Greece, I was convinced I saw him playing in a band in Athens, but was unable to verify it.

‘He would be about 70 now; I am 69.

‘Regina adopted a boy in Brazil and I married a Greek and had a daughter. We are both divorced and our children are in their early 30s. I still like to travel a lot and, from time to time, visit relatives in Greece.’ TWO months ago, retired firefighte­r Roy Booth wrote: ‘I am trying to trace my old friend Peter Geddis. We both came from Feltham, Middlesex. Peter became an actor and had many small parts in films and on stage.

‘I believe he had a role in the first Star Wars film. We lost contact some years ago.

‘We met in our teens while at a woodworkin­g company in Feltham, where we made ladders. We were members of the Lower Feltham Youth Club’s drama group, run by film and TV actor Steve Plytas.

‘I lost touch with the drama group in 1956, when I was posted to Cyprus to do my National Service. After demob in 1958, I returned to Feltham, but the youth club had closed down. I’d love to meet Peter again and see how his life has worked out.’

The story brought this response from Edy Ayres: ‘I am in touch with Peter Geddis’s son, who has contacted his father and asked me to get Roy Booth’s phone number so the two old friends can be put in touch.’ And from Roy: ‘I could not believe my luck when I had a phone call from Peter. It was so good to hear from him after all these years and to know he is fit and well. ‘I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me. I assure you Peter and I will not lose contact again.’

 ??  ?? Old friends: Peter Geddis (centre) became an actor
Old friends: Peter Geddis (centre) became an actor
 ??  ?? Music man: Peter Bailey
Music man: Peter Bailey

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